Darklight faction achievements are going to turn into a mess

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by alanus, Dec 10, 2022.

  1. alanus Augur

    Once everyone starts working on the darklight faction achievements, it's going to turn into a huge mess. It can handle a few groups doing it, but once more people have access, this is going to become a nightmare

    And these are required for champion achievement, so it's going to be even worse than if it weren't. Plus this is required for first cloak evolution, which will compound the issue
  2. Riou EQResource

    Kind of wonder if they were accidentally put on the Champion achievement because they were in the Quests tab instead of the Special tab like the other /pat faction achievement
  3. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Yes and no, I suppose. Only required like 43 turn in roughly to acquire them, can get that within a few hours if focusing on 1 character itself, the zone is so small like Sathir's Tomb /picks are open all over.
    ChiiChii likes this.
  4. Shredd Augur

    the spheres also spawn in the mission. . just have all in group have the 3 tasks for 6 drops off the spirits. . rinse repeat the mission for the drops.
    Ozon, alanus and Szilent like this.
  5. Sissruukk Rogue One

    If I remember correctly, Qwalla said that the /pick threshold for this zone will be 20.
    Szilent likes this.
  6. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It should be closer to 6!
    Thunderkiks and alanus like this.
  7. Fian Augur

    The one positive is the spirits consistently drop at a rate of 1 per person in group with quest. So if 6 people in group with quest, each kill of a spirit drops 6. And if most in group already have the achieves, they will funnel them to the ones in group that do not. Plus you can save them up and drink a faction potion to cut in half the number that you need. So 132 spirits collected if no potion, or 66 if you drink a faction potion.
    Allayna likes this.
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

    How are you figuring that number? You need 2000 faction dont you? At 25 faction per turn in I was thinking 80 turnins without potion or 40 with. So 240 spirits without potion and 120 with.
  9. Allayna Augur

    1125 faction.
    Tucoh likes this.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    can confirm. You get each reward from different faction levels (familiar first, then Spirit Drinker's Coating and then the rune item last) and the last at 1125.

    Allayna likes this.
  11. Tucoh Augur

    after going through this I don't think it'll be thaaaaat bad. Group up with folks in the zone if you can and otherwise spread out. 3 full groups may start to butt up against each other but it's totally surmountable with a bit of kindness.

    Plus anytime you do the mission, clear out all the spirits. Their TS drops are valuable also.
    Sancus likes this.
  12. Deathly Elder

    If you get the group mission, there is less trash and anywhere from 6 - 20 Spirits up. They drop the task item you need. Also, you get 16 aa per merc completed task. That is 704 AA for an hours worth of work, not bad. You can just do this endlessly to catch up on aa. It even gives merc aa.
    Ozon likes this.
  13. alanus Augur

    Yeah, we did a grind on this the other night with everyone in group having the task and it went pretty quickly. That was before we noticed that they also spawned in the mission instance. I take back my concern, but it still could get bad.
  14. Qwalla Developer

    Hey y'all! Thanks for the responses. I am certainly doing my best to monitor player feedback regarding these quests, and I'm pretty stoked to say that no one has come to me with any major concerns about player vs spirit mob density. I haven't heard of drama (yet :p)! If you run into any hassle, please don't hesitate to shoot me a DM on the forums or over Discord.
    Zunnoab, Denyu, alanus and 4 others like this.
  15. Forcallen Augur

    Based on the knee jerk responses in the past I think a lot would like to know about your take on instances coming with pre spawned sphere mobs?

    I believe your intent was for folks to kill mobs which then have a chance to spawn the spheres for the drops. But right now with instances you just grab the darklight mission and instantly have 6-17 mobs up. Kill them, then drop it and get mission again only for the sphere mobs. So a few instances in 20 minutes and folks are done if they use a double faction potion. Never mind the AA xp rate.
  16. Qwalla Developer

    Truthfully, the mission was not something I had considered when I made these quests -- I wasn't involved in the creation of it. But as mentioned earlier, these achievements did end up being required for the champion achievement. Because of this, I'm not too heartbroken about the quests being easier than intended. It's been a great learning experience for me, and I'm excited to take what I've learned and put it into practice again in the future.

    Yeahhh. The xp. We, uh, have some changes planned for that one.
    Kalvenie, Zunnoab, Denyu and 6 others like this.
  17. Nudia Augur

    I turned all mine in before they gave any AA at all - I still vote they stay as is. Call it a catch-up mechanic for that newly rolled Shadow Knight staring at a 72K+ AA pool - still need 120, the door mission (or assistance), and other things to line up to get access to that easy AA.

    How many people that are readily able to make use of the easy AA really need that many AA, anyway?
  18. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    Not For nothing but the Collection set for Darklight one of them drops off the spirit of bravery/strength/cunning in static zone So people DO have to kill them, and if your lazy i got some for sale on xegony lmao
  19. Coaca New Member

    Doing the quest feels like exploiting. Old members remember where we got 3 AAs after 1h of killing mobs. With this quest its easy doable to make 300 AAs in 20 Mins (Not couting the additional kill xp).

    Its been an oversight, but i still miss the time where such things were worth a emergeny patch.
    A catch up for people is nice, but this pure AA inflation.

    (Iam lucky, that there is no dislike button)
  20. FranktheBank Augur

    Yeah, lets talk about 2002 as if its relevant here. Are you suggesting we go back to that? Do you not have any concept of the enormous amount of AAs required now compared to that of two decades ago?
    Windance likes this.