Cultural charm augment slot

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Noteefs, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Noteefs Journeyman

    During the SOE Live event, at the one of the panels, I asked if the cultural charm could have a type 17 slot added to allow the cultural raid augment into that slot. The developers on the panel agreed that this was not a bad idea and they would look into implementing this.

    This would solve the issue for some cultural wearers who have multiple classes listed on their cultural armor and not being able to use the raid charms that are based on single classes on their visible armor.

    This would put the cultural charm augmented with the raid drop, at about 2900 H/M/E give or take due to class specifics and would not be overpowering the other raid charms out there.

    Is there any new word on when this will be implemented or has the decision been made to scrap the idea.