Crash when logging into one character only

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by TLP_Mage, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. TLP_Mage New Member

    So this is not a new issue, but i made a gnome rogue alt probably 6 months ago. I dc'd in field of bone and everytime i log into that character it crashes when i log in. I opened a petition and the gm moved me to pok and pretty much said the issue is fixed and even after i replied saying i was still having issues the gm never really got the issue solved. I have read around and none of the things people say to do work. I can log into every other character on both of my accounts but not this one level 10 gnome rogue. Anyone have any insight? sorry for the wall of text...
    edit: i have even tried on my laptop that i box on, deleted various folders with character information, clicked return home, enter tutorial. Basically everything i could think of.
  2. BigShackSal New Member

    Guy I used to group with had this problem... after a round about, they finally concluded that it was some sort of corruption on the server side. They reset him or some such.. it's been awhile since it occurred and he doesn't play any more.

    I'd say that if its the same issue on different pc's and all the other things you've done don't work.. safe assumption is that it's something DB will need to fix for you. Best of luck to you friend.
  3. TLP_Mage New Member

    Thanks for the reply, i'll have to open another petition the last GM who responded to mine wasn't very helpful but hopefully this time we can get it resolved.