Confused over differences in xp

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by enclee, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. enclee Augur

    So, I'm three boxing a mage, enc, and bard (bard is going to become the new main) killing fear howlers in the Vile Oak but the xp I'm gaining isn't as expected the bard is gaining significantly less xp. All characters level 100 and 100% into AA,no fellowship xp sharing, no leadership xp, no evolving items, and no Learners Aura, all using Mercs, and no xp potions.

    Ench (5316 AA) - 34% AA per kill
    Mage (4845 AA) - 34% AA per kill
    Bard (3450 AA) -25% AA per kill

    I've tried relogging or zoning, but I don't understand why I'm gaining less AA xp on my bard.
  2. Tanecho Augur

    Bard used to have a significant XP penalty, but I thought that would only apply to leveling xp and not AA.
  3. enclee Augur

    Usually, the bard gains a couple % more but now I can't figure out why she's gaining so much less.
  4. Tanecho Augur

    If the bard gained more, it was because the bard is under 4000AA and should receive a bonus until that point. Explaining why the bard gains less is more difficult.
  5. enclee Augur

    That's what I'm trying to figure out she's still well under 4000 AA, and I'm trying to figure out if something bugged on my end or this is how it is supposed to be.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Ooops... missed that y ou had listed the aa earned for each.
  7. Talif Augur

    Are the chanter and mage gnomes and the bard not? When they removed racial penalties, they left the bonuses in.
  8. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    It is Halflings that have the +5% xp bonus, but the difference is way more than that 5% bonus would account for.
  9. Sanae New Member

    I had a similar problem with my cleric.
    What worked for me might not for you but I simply enabled and disabled shared xp from fellowship with my cleric.
    I used to enable/disable shared xp in the fellowship with the leader and I suspect that is what caused the problem.

  10. Shang Augur

    Usually when you encounter a perceived issue with experience, 9/10 times you're doing something wrong or making a bad assumption.
  11. enclee Augur

    None are gnomes and I'll try toggling fellowship xp but I've always left it off. And I agree Shang but I played a bit in the morning and it was as usual with the bard gaining more then I left to play golf and came back to it to be different.

    Edit: Removed her from fellowship just in case it was bugged and sharing xp, but no change.
  12. UnnamedPlayer Elder

    Are you sure you're looking at a single kill and not averaging a bunch of kills? Pullers often miss exp if pulling long range.

    Edit: Just asked the bard in my group, he was gaining the same amount of AA exp as my character. We're both 100 and have over 5k AAs.
  13. dario New Member

    Maybe first 2 accounts are RAF linked? that would explain all.
  14. Straahdx Augur

    Is your bard out of range of xp due to pulling the huge area that is Vile? Could be as simple as that.
  15. Starlanae Lorekeeper

    Also......check to make sure that the bard doesn't have leadership experience running. If the bard has leadership experience running and is the leader of the group then a % of exp is going to the leadership aa experience. just an idea.
  16. Starlanae Lorekeeper

    oh, ignore post said no leadership. Do you have the bard tanking or is it just the mage pet with the bard pulling to the group and mage pet or merc tank taking over. I am just thinking that if your bard is doing no dps on the mob then it would get less of a share of the group experience...with nukes coming from the casters and only songs running from a bard that is doing no dps, this might happen. /shrug, i could be wrong. I know some people who box bards do this just for the sake of bard songs playing in groups.
  17. enclee Augur

    • The account Ench and Mage were RAF linked 2 years ago, but I don't think that has been a factor because the normal situation prior to yesterday was:
    • Bard 36% AA per kill
    • Ench & Mage 33% AA per kill
    • So this is what I was normally seeing, and yes I am looking at each kill how much xp is gained and not just doing an average.
    • Bard isn't the puller, so she's always in range, mage pet tanks and chanter pulls and charms.
    I've tried thinking of ways to find where I'm losing xp, because going from 36% to 24-25% a kill is drastic reduction. Ive removed her from fellowship, toggled AA xp bar back and forth, used the /alternateadv command, suspended the merc.
  18. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Do you have an evolve item on?
  19. enclee Augur

    No evolving items in my inventory, in bank or in any inventory or bank on the bard account.
  20. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Is the bard out of range of the chanters exp aura?