Collection Quest Ground Spawns

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by gcubed, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. TheQxx Augur

    Anyone know if that Shard's hotfix had gone through on Drinal? As of late last night, all of the crater groundspawns were in the abyss to Sepulcher still.
  2. Shang Augur

    Hotfix is probably in.

    QA probably herp-derping and hasn't removed them yet.
  3. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    Same on AB, so I don't think Collectibles hotfix didn't made it in yet.

    I found another three spots in Xorbb:
    - neg. 661 / pos 661 / neg. 71, inside the circular border of that fire pit
    - a bit north and above pos. 1475 / pos62 / pos 108, outside the accessible zone area
    - a bit west of pos. 555 / pos 1200 / pos 11, outside accessible area too

    It's seriously bad coding if the collectible placement system drop things outside accessible area's.
  4. Vmas Elder

    on AB Shards Landing one is still at the new portal p946 n529
  5. Augur Developer

    What is the item? I'll look into the data to confirm that it's dropping at the expected rate.
  6. Augur Developer

    QA reported that all of the zones have had the old spawns in Shards Landing removed. There does appear to still be some issues with the spawns on a few zones, as reported here. We will be looking into them individually today and will work towards a solution ASAP.

    Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
  7. Falos Augur

    It's the Disintegrating Hand (ground spawn from the western basement section of the zone) Exaggerations aside I do know of 3 people that literally only need this final item on the xegony server to finish all collection based achievements. I myself am done with them all but because of the bugged ground spawns I can see how it is sucky for those people.. especially if it turns out they have to wait 14 days to obtain their final final piece.
  8. Augur Developer

    That is the rare drop in the set, so it's not surprising it's the one that most people are waiting on. I just looked into the data and confirmed that it's dropping at the intended 8% rate. (For that set, the commons drop at 14%, uncommons at 11%.)

    I agree with you that the current situation with your friends is made frustrating by the bugged spawns more than the item drop itself, though. Hopefully we can get that resolved very soon.
  9. Greymantle Augur

    Glad it's not just me. I am also looking for that one.Yet to see or hear of one on the Rathe.
  10. TheQxx Augur

    Not fixed on Drinal.

    Here is a picture of where all the groundspawns in Shard Landing crater are on Drinal, and have been, for quite some time now; at the bottom of the Sepulcher pit beyond the zone line (unattainable).

  11. Ducreux Augur

    Confirm Luclin-Stromm still has at least 3 spawns bugged at the bottom of crater in Shard's Landing nearly identical to above screenshot.
    Anyone can drop an Eye of Zomm down the hole to see these.
  12. TheQxx Augur

    Do the zones need to be repopped for the new groundspawn locations to take effect? Why am I troubleshooting this :|
  13. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    Found another spot:

    Evantiil the Vile Oak, /loc is -191 / +748 / +1167. Above my head (I'm ducked) is a spawn embedded in the wooden gangway of the hut on the east side.

    Same zone, same behavior, different location: -285 / +480 / +1167.
  14. Falos Augur

    This is a theory mostly but if you lag out your connection on purpose, click off lev and jump into the pit while your entire computer is lagged (load a ton of firefox tabs*thousands*) it will allow you to bypass the zoneline to sepulcher, you'll 200k in the pit but should still be within range of getting rezzed. If theory is correct you'd be able to run around down there in the pit picking up groundspawns NPNP. I can't promise it will work but it wouldn't surprise me.
  15. Augur Developer

    Thanks for the update, TheQxx. I just hopped on Drinal and removed them myself. It appears to be respawning items in proper locations. Let me know if there are still problems after it's had time to repopulate.
  16. Rouan Augur

    This is Rouan reporting LIVE from Shard's Landing on Bristlebane! It appears all of our collection spawns are indeed still on the bottom of the chasm, unattainable.
  17. zargand Apprentice

    On Erollisi Marr there is still one stuck in the central crystal about halfway up
  18. AB_H'Sishi Augur

    I'm in SL now. There's one spawn point at +415 / +95.7 / +2, just behind NPC "Iluna Sunmire", a bit below the floor. You can't pick it up because NPC gets into target.

    When I stand on /loc +458 / -126 / +4 and see down into the abyss I see at least one spawn very far down.

    Oh, I forgot something important in my previous posts - all mentioned locations are on AB server.
  19. The Mighty Oz New Member

    On Drinal, the NE tunnel to the crystal caves still has out of reach spawns above the zoneline
    on the wall above the 2 mino's at the entrance.
  20. Augur Developer

    All of the reports here make me believe that the zones did not repop during the hotfix process, like they should have.

    I'm going to pass this onto the patch team, and see if we want to repop Shards Landing on live servers to fix this issue, or if we'd rather not disrupt the playerbase with a live repop. The new scripts (i.e. the fix) can't take effect until a zone repop or server downtime happens.

    For now, please continue to report problems that you find, and we'll continue trying to get this remedied as soon as possible.