Character Statistics Question

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Tradar, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Tradar New Member

    Hey I just started a gnome rogue and I decided too put more points into dexterity than strength. At higher levels would this matter at all when your statistics are maxed out ?

    I was also wondering if the innate aa abilities such as innate strength for example would attribute too your character when your statistics are maxed out ?
  2. Borek-VS Augur

    They make no difference - gear alone will max your stats. So initial choice of stats is unimportant, and spending stat increase AAs is a waste of a perfectly good AA. They may make a minor impact at max level with max AAs and raid gear: perhaps. But spending on stat cap raising AAs is a good move, when you get the option.
  3. Koutarou Elder

    Stat cap AA should not be underestimated. On a per-AA-point basis I think STA/INT/WIS are a better bang for the buck than General Sturdiness and the mana pool equivalent one whose name I can never remember.