character freezes on login

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by zhorazz, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. zhorazz New Member

    i want to make this clear - this is a ME/client problem, not an EQ/server problem. i know the problem is on my side.

    i have more than one account. all of the others are fine.

    but one of them, when i log in, or when i zone, the character lands in the zone, and for about a second everything is fine - but then everything freezes for up to 2 minutes. then it unlocks and everything is fine again until i zone, then it repeats. (this is the only character on that account)

    this doesn't happen with any other toon on any other account, so it's clearly something in some setting or in the .ini file.

    i haven't validated game assets - because i load another account from the same folder, and the other account, using the same assets, runs just fine. so i'm thinking in-game setting or character specific .ini file.

    and before i dive into all of that, i thought i would ask and see if someone else has had this happen and ask how they fixed it before i started a setting by setting and line by line multi .ini search.

    this isn't a critical problem. once it unfreezes it run perfectly. the toon is playable, eventually. but it is a little irritating and i'd like it to stop.

  2. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    It would be interesting to make a second character on that account. But uncheck tutorial so you don't have to wade thru that mess and see if it freezes on that character also.

    That would narrow it down to the account or the character
    zhorazz likes this.
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Find all the ini/ui files associated with that toon and move them out of the EQ folder, then log that character in.

    If you don't have any freezing, then clearly something was corrupt with one or more of those files. If that's the case, you'll just have to redo all of your settings for that toon, but your problem will be fixed.
    zhorazz likes this.
  4. zhorazz New Member

    i did exactly that. the new character *seems* to hang, but only for a millisecond. more of a stutter than a freeze, but even tho i zoned in and out of the lobby/pok a dozen times it could have just be lag or my imagination
    regardless, it's not freezing up like the other character is.
  5. zhorazz New Member

    see? that's what i was hoping for. good advise. and honestly i should have thought of it myself. so much easier than just going line by line through the ini files.
    it's a good idea, and it's a start. thank you.
  6. zhorazz New Member

    ok. for anyone interested, or in case anyone else runs across this exact issue:

    i think the problem is solved.
    this is one of the recently offered level 100 heroics. and i had forgotten something.
    i made a bard. because of the character name that popped into my head. very suitable for a bard. so, bard. after i made the bard i realize - i don't need a bard, i need a ranger. so i deleted the bard and used the same name for a ranger.

    i went to the game folder and there were about a dozen files that showed up when i searched for the character name. i deleted everything except "charname_servername_RNG.ini" - with plans to go back and delete that one as well, if this didn't work, because Velisaris had a good suggestion.

    and i guess there was some conflict from using the same name but a different class for a toon that gave it a lil lag on entering a zone. it probably wasn't the ini files that had BRD in it, but there were a few others i'd didn't recognize. there were logs, and bazaar logs, which was odd because i'd never used that toon as a trader. /shrug. so i deleted everything but the ranger files and logged her in. it seems to be fixed.
    zoned her in and out of the lobby/pok a few times and no problems.

    thanks everyone.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.