chanter aura

Discussion in 'Casters' started by silku, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. silku Augur

    Any chance we can get the range on enchanter auras looked at? I'm noticing that my wife's wizard will sometimes not get twincast aura until she's right on top of me. I think maybe even doubling the range could be in order.
    Jordis likes this.
  2. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Sounds like a great AA.
    silku likes this.
  3. WhtRabbit Lorekeeper

    I don't hate this idea either but as per the Dev's room for "new" AA's is getting tight. I'd rather see this fixed within the spell not by introducing an AA.

    The reason the range is so short is IMO because of raiders. They don't want a scattered group benefiting from it. IE our range on aura's used to be 200 and now it's 60. Considering that's the standard range of all aura's and has been in place for years. I would not expect any traction on this without a large voice of support from the player base.
  4. silku Augur

    I think the difference here is a significant portion of our ADPs (which is what we seem to be pushed into being) comes from our auras. Like bards and their songs, our aura is part of what makes us who we are. I think that 60 feet on a bard, warrior, etc aura makes sense, because they are all gonna be ganged right up on a mob. But a chanter isn't going to have the group ganged up on him.

    I agree though that with very few AA left to get with software limitations, it would be better just to do this on a spell level than an AA level.
  5. Silv Augur

    The usual problem is Necros or casters who have no concept of ADPS. I've mentioned in numerous times about being in range for auras (where there is NO reason to not be close to me). Auras shouldn't be extended - players should stop being idiots.

    Edit: Oh, while I'm at it... Necros need a reality check with casting Reluctant Benevolence 95% of the time If they have a druid in the group. I have specifically requested to never be in a necro group because they fail to understand how ADPS works.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  6. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    In defense of encs getting aura range extension AA -

    Enc aura range base is 60'

    Bard song range base is 60'

    Modded by Extended Notes 9 ~= 100'

    Modded by Sionachie's Crescendo (optional song range bonus) ~= 200'

    Disc range:

    Fierce Eye = 200'
    Quick Time = 100'

    Illusions of Grandeur = 200'
    Enchanter Spires = 100'

    Aura range (for all classes) being 60' is pretty restrictive, by design, and there's not really a problem with this at face value. The problem is, if they are in a situation where they can't be close to their group (or their group is for whatever reason, spread apart even a little bit), they lose a lot of their ability to contribute.

    On my bard, it doesn't really matter if my group isn't all in aura range 100% of the time, because my songs cover the difference pretty reliably. On my cleric, if the tanks aren't in aura range, they lose a 15% HP buff, which sucks but it really isn't a deal breaker. If I were an enchanter on a largely DPS oriented raid, and my group was not in aura range, I would feel pretty useless because so much of my benefit suddenly depends on being within 60' of my group. Not to say that all enchanters provide is auras, but they certainly are important.
    silku likes this.
  7. Nylrem Augur

    I want enchanters to realize that magician's pet aura is the same distance, and to stop getting mad when I Call Hither (soon 50% faster cast time) them closer to the mob, where I have to be, to max benefit swarm pets :). Or better yet, yell at the bad magicians that don't stay close to where their swarm pets are, and they already are.

    I would guess all posting here know this but in case some readers don't, enchanters in Mage groups need to realize amp aura sucks for mages (zero benefit for 4 out of our top 5 dps spells) and to please use MR and twincast normally -- or keep up single cast MR on all mages.
  8. silku Augur

    If someone has amp aura up on you I'd imagine there is a druid in your group? I'm not a mage but doesn't your pet aura go 'on the pet', so it's already at the mob and not on you? So don't swarm pets get your pet aura regardless of where you stand?
  9. Ismel Augur

    Nope its player centered.

    Talking about enc auras can we please get Amplifying Aura changed to a permanent on entry aura like twincast is, it is not possible to use up all counters if you chain spam instants, but it is very easy to lose the aura if it pulse when you move, get emotes what not, and then its gone for the next 45 sec, this can easily end up being the majority of your burn.
    RPoo and silku like this.
  10. Brohg Augur

    Two versions. Older, weaker version Rathe's Strength (level 70) is cast on & borne forward by the pet. Stronger more recent version Arcane Distillect (level 85) is a normal, player-centered aura with normal aura range.
    silku likes this.
  11. Jordis Augur

    It would be nice if we had aa to extend the range, and the amount of time our shorter term auras run, but given the AA coding issues maybe one of those augments that increases the benefits of various spells would be more practical.