Cannot use any custom UI!!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Angahran, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Angahran Augur

    Had same issue on beta.
    Cannot load ANY custom UI, no errors generated in the UIErrors.txt file, simply nothing loads!

    Anyone else having this issue ?

  2. Sarkaukar Augur


    Actual location of game folder? Start with shortcut first, right click, properties, shortcut Target and Start In location. Does it match the info below if used Launchpad/advanced tools/open game directory?

    Did you drill down to where you believe your active game folder was to place the files, or did you use the Launchpad/Advanced Tools (lower left cog) then open Game Directory to place the UI files?

    And to add. For the Custom UI, are they in a zipped file? Did you make sure the files themselves were installed in the UIfiles/Ang or UIfiles/Darksea or UIfiles/custometc without any other folders? Example, you created a new folder under UIfiles /Ang to place the zipped files but when it unloads it actually looks something like Everquest/UIfiles/Ang/DarkSeaUI/lots of UI pieces? If it looks like that last location then it will not work. EQ is looking for the actual files in the Ang folder, it will not look for the actual files in Ang/DarkSeaUI folder.

    Tried to cover all the bases.

    Additional info. Create a new subfolder UIfiles/Angtest1 and copy one file at a time. Load it once you are in game. You can then copy and reload the UI one file at a time while still in game til you get to one that may be causing the issue.

    If it the custom files are part of a set, I would contact the creator.
  3. Saeadyan Elder

    Knowing Ang it is probably his set. :) Hope you are doing well man this is Leifendower the grumpy dorf. :)
  4. Angahran Augur

    Wow, blast from the past. how you doing leafy ? :p
    OS - Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and no EQ is not installed in the program folder that Sony has been trying to make us install it into that causes no end of headaches.
    No it's not zipped, it's my UI.

    I could contact the creator but I get funny looks when I talk to myself :p

    I *think* I found the issue, it appeared that using the 'reset UI to default' option on character select got 'stuck' and basically, when I tried to load my UI it ignored my and kept the default.
    Got things working now (once I fixed the client crash from my extended target window) so I don't have the default making my eyes bleed.
