<Canadian Armed Forces>

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Porygon, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Okial Augur

    I'm pretty sure you don't even know what RMT means.
  2. Progress Augur

    Looks like I hit the nail on the head.
  3. MamaBear Elder

    lol - Ok that was funny.
  4. Porygon Augur

    This is one of the most uninformed, uneducated (about the game) posts I have ever read.
    Bard - turn melody on, auto attack if you want.
    Cleric - heal once a minute.
    Shaman - slow on incoming, buff in between fights, send pet? Maybe.
    Any caster class - macro your choice nuke, with in game macro function.
    Warrior - your primary focus, make sure the mob is positioned correctly, once it's in camp and being tanked, ignore.
    Monk - auto attack does more damage than almost all other melee.
    Rogue - after the mob is in camp, slowed and engaged, focus on rogue dps.
  5. Grish Augur

    That can and has certainly been done but you lose a lot of efficiency and it's very tiring and most people can't keep up with it for long before they get burnt out.

    So yes, it can and has been done. If it were the only option to box, there would be about 50-75% less boxes on the servers though.
  6. Porygon Augur

    It's not really that bad. Most people are scared if melee classes because they think you have to max dps. It's just not the case.

    I agree that most people who box do it because it's easy. But some of us enjoy the challenge of boxing 4 melee with a cleric and shaman.
  7. archy Lorekeeper

    My experience w/<Canadian Armed Forces> has just been bad. Two full group mage boxer setup running around Hate just ruining the gaming experience for a lot of us. Tonight Saytonic and this boxergroup followed us around, stole our pulls, accused us of cheating, etc etc. When it is rather clear by watching this group that they are not playing legit.

    Your guild can shove off and I'd like to say much more in regards to how I feel about this group but I can't here on the forums.

    edit: forgot to add that the whole time he/she is attempting to sell planer loot for unreal prices.
  8. Ethereal Augur

    Well after defending the guild a number of times in game, and even here in this thread, I'll be changing my opinion of the guild. Had Purielol come into my efreeti camp today and KS me only saying "dps race u lost", then picking away. Pretty awesome. Never even dreamed I'd have to defend my camp against CAF until tonight.

  9. Anarth Lorekeeper

    I do :


    All with default UI, no macros, 1 keyboard, 2 hands, etc. Its not that hard at all. Sure I'm not constantly throwing tiger strikes and flying kicks, and maybe I'm missing a 2h bash on my pally, but otherwise I've got the wizard constantly nuking as needed, and the dru/enc throwing on dots and slow which is pretty easy to manage, and I have to heal everyone once in a while with the cleric.

    In retrospect I probably would of had a necro instead of wizard just to set and forget dots, but whatever.
  10. Nymm Journeyman

    I can confirm Archy's post. Saytonic parked in the center of PoHate all morning, 18-boxing most of the armor mobs in the entire zone and selling all loot rights in ooc. Meanwhile, 20-something people in smaller groups sat at the zone-in with nothing worthwhile to hunt. This is not good for the server in the same way that certain guilds locking up raid targets is not good for the server. He ridiculed suggestions in ooc that he be helpful instead of monopolizing the zone for his own benefit. I personally watched him pull mobs out from under pullers' noses. People generally don't like this stuff and will unsub at max level when they realize they can't reasonably play in desirable zones that are not instanced.

    The idea that 1 person taking all the mobs is no different than 20 people taking all the mobs is just really bad logic. It's not hard to see why it's better to have 20 satisfied people than 1 satisfied person and 19 disappointed people.
  11. Vlerg Augur

    6 boxing is definatly possible without assistance in classic... melee classes being limited to 2, maybe 3 button. healers healing once a fight (if), casters sending pet / nuking once ( after waiting for aggro)... totally possible. I'd be sick of alt-tabbing after 30 minute of it, but totally possible.

    it get alot harder in later expansions, when the game take a faster pace and require more than 3 action per minute for most classes.