Can they really enforce a no-bot server?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Riptide666, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Numiko Augur

    I think even the most rabid anti-boxer does not mind if some one 2 - 3 - 4 boxes, as long as they are just using alt+tab or multiple machines.

    Really there would be no way to distinguish if someone is 2 boxing or if someone if playing with a spouse / room mate / child in the same house, I do not think they would want to eliminate this sort of play at all from the servers.

    Seems to me most people complain about the 6+ boxers who use software to dominate any group they want to stomp on, and I know not all, or even many mega boxers play like that, but unfortunately the ones who do stick out like sour thumbs.

    Do something nice, no one remembers, do something bad and no one forgets.
  2. Endless Augur

    I wish they would make a "no-boxer" server. I box, cause I like it. I would not go to that server as I have no wish to be around self-righteous and close minded people.
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Maxe Augur

    eliminating in game macros would just make people put them on their keyboard/mouse