Broken? Frozen Skeleton Merc

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Eanelder, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. Eanelder Augur

    Just wanted to bring up an issue I came across the other day with Frozen Skull of the Cursed, the "Quest" item that allows you to hire a Frozen Skeleton Mercenary. The quest seems to have been altered, and I don't know if it was intentional or if it is broken.

    Currently, when you hail the Special Mercenary Liaison in PoK, he says:
    If you have the Frozen Skull of the Cursed on you , he SHOULD say:
    On my most recent turn in of the skull, the Liaison did not provide this text on hail and on turn in of the Frozen Skull of the Cursed did not give me the customary response ( see allakhazam for text ). My toon received the Mercenary (and flag) but he did NOT receive the Frozen Skull of the Cursed back, which I believe he is supposed to. At least it was returned every previous time I completed the quest on an alt (it is heirloom).

    The only difference I can see is that Liaison is not properly responding to the hail or providing the right quest completion text. This leads me to think it is broken.

    tl;dr - Frozen Skeleton of the Cursed [ Special Mercenary Liaison] in PoK maybe broken as he is not returning the Frozen Skull of the Cursed on turn in. This prevents claiming the Skeleton Mercenary on additional characters on the account, which it had always done in the past.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I hate to say it but it sounds like it was "fixed" and that multiple Heirloom claims weren't intended.

    All of the other LoN Merc Contracts (i.e.Drachnid, Rallosian Orc) are one-time claims, so I don't see how Frozen Skeleton could be justifiably different (other than quest aspect). I'd pay $$ to claim the Rallosian Orc 999 times on my account.

    DBG is also looking to generate more revenue.
  3. Eanelder Augur

    It could be the case that this was intentional, but the other contracts are 1 time clicky items, not a turn in "quest". The only reason I think its broken is cause of the change of / wrong Quest text.

    I've claimed the merc several times on alts without issue, and was able to petition it this last time to get it back, so I guess I got full use of it. Others might not have been so lucky. or even aware of it, so thought it was worth bringing up.