best two box duo?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by WhatThe!?!?, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    if less people boxed there would be
  2. Shanaie Lorekeeper

    Right. And if less people wasted food, there would be no hunger in the world.

    Basically, you're drawing conclusions that aren't valid. If less people boxed, less people would be playing (since not everyone is willing to blow an entire play session looking for a group or putzing around "soloing"). Less people playing means fewer groups, by its very nature, as well as the endangerment of EQ's continued existence.

    Boxing didn't really become a "mainstream" type of thing until late 2004. Before that, only the "hardcore" boxed regularly. I'll let you figure out why.
  3. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Sigh. This argument has been beaten to death for 13 years now. Guess what, your on the losing side.
  4. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    there is no loosing side to an opinion.
  5. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    cause people are selfish and decided why should i invite people who want to do things for themselves rather i can make my own group and do things only for myself?
  6. Shanaie Lorekeeper

    Ooooor, you know people who don't want to force their personal issues on others? Like this person:

    But you can continue thinking that everyone who chooses to box does so for some nefarious reason. I will be the first to admit that I box because it allows me to flout EQ's forced socialization model. I refuse to be at the mercy of people I don't know. I did that for 10 years since I tend to prefer playing classes that don't solo all that well (warrior, rogue, berserker, cleric). If all I have to do is pay a few dollars to get around that, I'm willing to do that. But I am not 'everyone' and there are people who box for the convenience aspect because they have real life distractions to deal with (see above) or they don't have fixed windows of playtime. When you can only play in 30 minute spurts, you don't want to burn that time up looking for something to do and you don't want to get into something with others knowing you won't be able to see it through. Maybe someone joining your group and leaving 20 minutes later is okay with you, but it's not okay with everyone else.
    Falos likes this.
  7. Notinterested Augur

    This, when I had my first kid I quit raiding and grouping. I tried to pull it off for a bit but it don't work. So I stuck to multi boxing. As she got older I was able to get back into it but now I have another baby so I am back to being anti social.
  8. Kekenewah Journeyman

    I three box. My main 3 box is a 97 wizard and two 96 mages. I also do Wizard/Mage/Shaman which is getting better as I level up my shaman (level 89 now). I also do Wizard/Mage/Chanter which is also getting good as I level up the chanter (85 now). They are all fun and you can do some different things with the different utilities of the Shammy and Chanter. Things still die the fastest with the Wiz and two mages but that may change as the Shammy and Chanter get up to higher levels. I adjust the mercs I use depending whether I am experiencing or taking down a named. I use more healers for the named mobs and more dps mercs for maximizing how fast I can take trash mobs down.
  9. pk76 Augur

    i am boxing about 50% of the time ( well, i don't slack , and many times i got 1 or 2 toons out of group dps'ing ) mobs die faster with 8 than 6 , and i always pass on loots ( unless rott ) ,when grouping , for others in group since i can get what i want anytime.
    and that's why as soon as i log in , i got tells for grouping , since i can kill mobs pretty fast.
    they got fast xp and loots.....