Bertoxx, Bristlebane, Drinal, Firiona Vie, Povar, Luclin, and Xegony Server Issues

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Amnerys, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. VexD New Member

    no but I do wanna see what the insides look like
  2. Shododaan New Member

    Failboat.. omg restart the servers or tell us why it all went to shizzorz over (unannounced exploit 451)
  3. Aowar Journeyman

    Why would there be an exploit that only takes down half the servers? If there was an exploit it would take them all down.
    Tegila likes this.
  4. Tegila Augur

    tinfoil hat
  5. VexD New Member

    I think it was the amount of Boxed accounts =D... 2 many toons on auto follow
  6. Shododaan New Member

    Out of batteries to show the red-dot sight?
  7. VexD New Member

    Look at the base of the sight... it can only be pointed 1 way...
  8. Shododaan New Member

    We're way past the 90 minute downtime.. how about announcing whatever exploit caused you to crash/reboot/rewind all these servers so we all feel better about the missing hours of subscription?
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  9. VexD New Member

    servers up have a good one guys /wave
  10. Elricvonclief Augur

    I agree, just a simple 2 sentence explanation explaining why servers had to be patched during prime play time would go a long way.

    I'm sure they are working very hard to bring servers back up and without lag, but a simple communication would alleviate a lot of the grumbling.

    LOL, and they came up as I wrote this :oops:
  11. Shododaan New Member

    As per normal we take all this in the backside and expect no compensation for lost subscriptions... /sheep
  12. Shododaan New Member

    Oh my gawd.. I got back in and got my achievement from 23 hours ago?.. can I get 23hours of subscription back?
  13. Wickedforce New Member

    Sony was going to post an explanation and an apology, but they decided to save it because they knew that the majority of you wouldnt be able to read it through all the tears you are shedding about lost subscription time....
  14. Shododaan New Member

    Spoken like somebody that is jobless and has lots of time to play EQ... many of us plan our EQ nights around our jobs.. and when Sony screws the pooch we are less than happy.
  15. Wickedforce New Member

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... ok you are so right... I feel for you... my sincere condolences... :oops:

    Will you be alright? Are you sure?
  16. Rhiya New Member

    You can't see the red crosshair from the front because of the way it is reflected within the optic towards the shooter. This diagram will show you what I can only express as magic and mirrors.
  17. Tegila Augur

    are you always negative shodo? usually soemtign like this we DO get someting bonus come the next weekend be it extra xp (which they jsut did so doube it) or xp pots for those affected or bonus sc etc wahtever theyve always given bonuses afte this major of a mishap. problem is this was only half hte servers so cant be gamewide
  18. Mykaylla Augur

    The most disturbing thing about this thread, is the number of apparent bronies. :confused:
  19. Derd Augur

    Naw the most disturbing is the lack of anyone ever saying thanks for them taking the servers down completly fixing or at least getting them back up again on a thursday night when most of there workers were probably heading out the door or already on the way home.

    Thanks to all the support staff, dev's and anyone else that worked last night to get stuff back up and running