Barter Bug

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Stickietoes, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. Stickietoes Augur

    Does anyone else get this problem when trying to sell to a barter?

    Like I set the number of items I want to sell... (20, for example), but it only sells about 1-6 items...

    I just gave up on trying to sell 200 chronal dusts... heh
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Is that all they have resources, bag space, or demand for?
  3. Stickietoes Augur

    I doubt it, since I can sell 4 over and over to that one guy...

    Here is a screenshot


    Each time trying to sell 20.
    It doesn't happen everytime, but it happens alot...
  4. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    That happens to me all the time as well. It'll start out as 2, than 3, than 4.. and eventually ends up at 20. :(
  5. Uxtalzon Augur

    I've noticed if I type in the number I'm trying to sell, it sometimes just sells one at a time. So I slide the bar almost always now, and I've almost never seen it sell just one to the trader. It still happens regardless of what I try though.
  6. Batrastard New Member

    I have also been getting the 1 each when I try to sell as well.
  7. Shimmerleaf Augur

    This has been an erratic "feature" since it was introduced in RoF. But if you go to the bazaar and click the buyer, you can sell normal 20 at a time.