Bard or enchanter for this mage group?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tucoh, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. BrotherLamp New Member

    If I recall correctly, you were tweaking them just right to maximize DPS, Good Job!
  2. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I main ENC. Always have. I envy bards. They are pretty exceptional. Fade and Track, and the fact that they have to be present to have their buffs, and the options for AC buffs and melee aDPS really set them apart from ENC. ENC IOG and Haze, auras, etc, are strong, and our Gracious Gift of Mana can really help out the mages and mana starved druids. I'm just not sure that the overall benefits of a ENC in a well played group make it better than a BRD.

    I think the biggest reason for you to use the ENC over the BRD is your limited experience with the ENC. I think you are the kind of person that would enjoy the experience of trying something new, otherwise you wouldn't be trying the caster group at all.

    I am currently boxing ENC, MAG and SHD. I recently swapped a 20yr cleric with the SHD which was tough. I am finding that merc clerics are not performing to the level I was hoping, and am using a FTP druid atm. She doesn't heal well as a FTP, but she does cover the gap in the slow casts of the mercs. I mostly play with raid geared players, so I'm not sure how it will work for you at the group gear level, but our druids are exceptional at healing, despite being labeled the worst of the priests at healing.
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Gorg00 Augur

    Bard, because it should be illegal to have a box group without one.
    FranktheBank likes this.
  4. FyrasDrinal Journeyman

    BL1 order is ABCD
    BL2 order is BCDA
    BL3 order is CDAB
    BL3 order is DABC

    A is keybind to hotkey bank1 = alliance or dicho, whichever is up - then forceful rejuvenation
    B is keybind to hotkey bank2 = dot1
    C is keybind to hotkey bank3 = dot2
    D is keybind to hotkey bank4 = dot3
    There are pauses while attacking to insure alliance lands before dots.

    This is my burn set and assumes ruaabri's is running. If I press N(ormal), all 4 hotkey banks switch to page1 for normal group dps situations where I cast dicho, feralgia.

    I have 4 burn keys (BL1 thru BL4 in bottom left hotbar) with each BL using his Ruaabri in a different span of time.

    E key is bound to all actions in upper left so I can play a single BL reasonably well and mainly for snap agro.
    Tucoh likes this.
  5. Blastoff Augur

    I've ran SK/clr/wiz/mag/enc/brd since tbm and I would give up the bard before the enc most of the time. Enc is better aDPS and way less toxic to cc and slow with. Also the group runes are really handy in AOE heavy fights with only one healer. I use my bard for the aDPS and pulls the SK can't handle... something that usually just saves some clear time. The only thing I've considered changing with my setup is swapping my wiz for a mag but ports save more time than the DPS difference. I beat all tbm-cov group content in group gear with my caster crew. Before that I had a 3 box team.
    Tucoh likes this.
  6. Blastoff Augur

    Ultimately I think I'd run both a bard and enc...Selos is really nice with a da'd mage that can fade and group coth