Bard: Instrument mastery AA

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by uk6999, Sep 29, 2016.

  1. uk6999 Augur

    I am level 60 have 8 AA's wont let me train instrument mastery AA for 3 points under the focus tab. Its marked as available and the only requirement is a level check of 59 ( I am 60 ). I thought they did away with the old school 6 points in General to unlock Archtype, etc. rule? Just want to be sure I am not missing something before I bug report it.
  2. Cainen Augur

    Bard in my group was able to purchase rank one with 3 aas without issue.
  3. Soon Augur

    I got rank 1 fine.
  4. uk6999 Augur

    There was a pop up AA confirmation window that I couldnt see playing in window mode. Switching to full screen it was in the bottom right. Thanks all.