Bard Caster Melody at 106 - 110

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by ElectricSheep, May 1, 2018.

  1. ElectricSheep Journeyman

    I’ve been away from the game for a while and recently came back and just hit 106 with my bard. I did the best searching I could do, but need some more guidance on a song lineup and order to sing them. I run in an all Caster group, so song lineup is pretty straightforward from what I found suggested, except I am also the puller for the group and like to keep up mez for pulling tricks. I suppose it may just be a case of extrapolating the listed song lines to current level (the best posts I found were circa 2015 era I think?) and going from there - but I honestly got a little lost. I’m mainly wanted for adps and pulling. Is there any place I can be pointed or advice anyone can give a rusty bard?

    I can pull with the best of them but also want to keep up a solid melody of as many songs that help my group as possible. For info the group is two mages a necro and a Druid with me - sometimes a wizard or odd melee class joins. Once in a while we have a chanter who pulls, then I can go to straight adps but prefer to keep mez up for oh crap help out lock down moments.

    Thank you in advance.
  2. Cicelee Augur

    Here is what I use with my 110 bard with my 110 magician-

    War March
    Arcane Ballad
    Reckless Renewal
    Spry Sonata
    Spiteful Lyric

    For aura, I use Aria.
  3. Fohpo Augur

    Once you have max extended AA on the bard, it could look something like...
    1. Aria
    2. March
    3. Suffering/Spiteful
    4. Ballad
    5. Akett's
    6. Qunard's
    7. Reckless/Chorus
    8. Crescendo
    Aura: Begalru
    /melody 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (you can make changes/tweaks to this to increase the uptime on the proc songs but this is the simplified approach)

    This lineup is pretty much strictly an aDPS/sustain lineup to keep the casters going as long as possible. My box crew looks like sk, bard, enc, clr, zerk, mage - I pretty much have zero downtime like this if I keep chanter Second Spire on cooldown. I pretty much always spam A Tune Stuck on the bard to maximize it's uptime. If you really want the cold focus from Fatesong, you can try dropping Reckless/Chorus or just have the druid/wizard try to make use of fire as much as possible.
  4. ElectricSheep Journeyman

    Thank you so much!