Available bags

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by KronoQuester, May 1, 2024.

  1. KronoQuester New Member

    We have some really smart people on these forums that get a little sweatier than me when it comes to min-maxing.

    Is there someone would might be able to list out for us the claimable/buyable bags that are available right now from all sources that we will be able to start Teek with? I want to ensure I'm not missing any.

    Also can we really only buy the "packs" once per account?

  2. Tintaglia Augur

    Right now, you can buy all three of the pack bundles on this link and claim them once the TLP goes live. Soon™ they will remove the two on the left and center, and replace them. Those can be claimed as well. As far as a comprehensive list, it's a lot of variables. What expansion did you buy and what tier, and did you already claim one of those bags. And yes, unfortunately, the bag bundles are "once per account". Something some of us would like to see changed. It would benefit Daybreak by generating additional revenue.