Aurora Line - Paladin

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Allayna, Aug 2, 2023.

  1. Allayna Augur

    Using the drop down to load spells, right click > heals > quick heals:

    Anything in the Aurora line is classified as a 3 second cast time base. The other spells in this category are lights (0.5s cast), bursts (0.25s cast) and culpability line (0.25s cast). The Aurora line should probably be a faster cast, since our Wave line is a base cast of 3 seconds and is in the heals > heals tab.
    Lubianx and Wulfhere like this.
  2. Allayna Augur

    It is either miscategorized as a quick heal and the 3s cast time is intentional (unlikely as it has a significantly higher mana cost than Wave) or this is a bug.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    The quick heal component of it is the recast time, it's ready to be cast again as soon as the global refresh is up.

    So, more than likely not a bug.