Anyone see Diablo Xi Va in Ka Vethan?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by MmmmBop, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. MmmmBop Wise Troll

    I'm about to put a million plat bounty on this guy since I can't seem to make it spawn. 15 hours at this camp during the week... PH's constantly down... 0 named spawns. Something seems wrong here beyond RNG... RNG supports the fact that I am due for 10 straight spawns, and we all know that isn't going to happen. Is anyone else having this issue or I am just destined to not finish my hunter for this expansion unless I pay someone else to camp it for me?

    I have been killing the Fer'Temariel Centis as suggested on EQ Resource Maybe they have it wrong? (this is one of the few named they don't have a picture of) Any tips on how to spawn it?
  2. Schadenfreude Augur

    MmmmBop likes this.
  3. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    It took a few hours killing the PH's before he spawned. For what it's worth, he spawned by the entrance. I went in a circle killing every PH in the room.
    MmmmBop likes this.
  4. Kuursed New Member

    Got him today after about 8 hours camping him various times. Spawned in the back right pher from the doorway, but I suspect any of the 5 will do it. It was also the most rare spawn for me too in Ka Vethan. Good luck
    MmmmBop likes this.
  5. Paradisic_parasite Elder

    Don't think Diablo is in this game. Ask Blizzard if they've seen him :).