Another returning player question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by sexybeast, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. sexybeast New Member

    Hi all, My warrior's current gear set is mostly TDS raid gear returning to eq now. Can i handle EOK T1/T2 Group content/named? Or Do i need to catch up starting with TBM? thank you in advance.
  2. Thrillho Augur

    TBM had a large increase in heroic stats on gear, and the content was calibrated as such.
    EoK had a large increase of group gear to the point of it being near-par to TBM raid gear, as well as a ~10k increase to AAs per class, and the content was calibrated as such.
    TDS to EoK is a large leap, even if you're in TDS raid gear.

    I'd suggest doing TBM first. The HAs are going to give you new gear. The gear is going to be worse than your current raid gear, but is tuned to take the new-to-TBM aug system. In particular, the type 5 augments which can be used in the EoK gear as well. If you can get a group to carry you for the first bit in EoK while you gather up some gear (no-drop, so it rots a lot), it won't take long to get you up to snuff. You will need type 5 augments from either TBM HAs or from EoK HAs. There are a few dropped type 5s from both expansions.
  3. Phrovo1 Augur

    Try going to Frontier Mountain and look too see if the Reveler camp in front of Droga is open. That camp a named that is very easy to kill and should also be a good way to catch up on AAs. Worst case is that it's taken and there's no openings but the group is calling out rots in ooc (good way to get visibles)
  4. Bigstomp Augur

    I'd guess you'll be ok, but content will feel challenging to you. (unlike the way you probably used to steamroll it when your raid gear was current). TBM and EoK added alot of AA's and AC to gear. In particular shield AC took a huge jump so you'll want to replace your shield ASAP.
  5. Zalamyr Augur

    Get the honed wurmslayer asap if you don't already have.

    I started with a mostly tier 2 tds group geared warrior and was able to run a ranger/warrior two box (with the ranger being even worse geared) to an entire set of T1 EoK gear without a ton of issues. A couple nameds were much more difficult than the others, so make sure to check out the comments when you're looking at nameds to see how hard they are. There have been some tanking nerfs since then, so it's hard to say exactly how much harder it would have been for me in the beginning, but I think it would have still been possible. You're starting with even better gear, so I don't see it being an issue, especially if you actually group with a couple real people.
  6. Kolani Augur

    I'm thinking you should be mostly okay, the Cohort set is similar to the TDS raid gear set. Darkwater chest is a little lower in AC and higher in hp, if you can plow through it to get Selrach's (T2 group) without upgrading a lot, I'd do that. You are going to need to get type 5 augs for everything as you progress though. Don't make the mistake of trying to get Crypt-Hunter's armor like someone else suggested. If you do need to upgrade, Cohort only pre-Selrach.
  7. Millianna Augur

    TBM HAs is a good way to get stat augs. Besides jewelry, I wouldn't waste time on gear. I'd try to get a group at Bi Faak. If not, the stuff is no drop and people give it away all the time.