An epic request - SK instances crashing to desktop

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Dre., Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Dre. Altoholic

    I experienced a disproportionate amount of crashes this weekend while doing this quest, about 8-10 times in total.

    In all cases the EQ client would simply close and I was not offered the crash description dialogue box. In comparison I zoned at least 100 times this weekend (possibly a lot more) on other characters without more than one or two crashes.

    About half of these appear to be launchpad/patcher issues. Validating game assets did NOT repair these issues, I suspect this is due to the mission's legacy versions of the involved zones.

    The fix seems to be manually delete and repatch the freeport/Ro zones. /who all with a character on another account helped to identify the zone filenames. As there are multiple zones involved, I had to repeat this for each new instanced zone.

    I also experienced additional crashes which appear to be caused by the shrouding mechanic. Even after repatching the zone, most of the time I would crash again while attempting to zone and the second time I would appear in /who all as a different shrouded version of myself than the last crash.

    If someone the from EQ team is reading this, please make sure the patcher is correctly scanning these files.
  2. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Had a guild mate complete last night and reported no issues.