Ach Help Old Raid at LVL 125

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Knifen, Apr 26, 2024.

  1. Knifen Augur

    Down to my last 2 ach from Heroes Journey down to LS. One just needs some attention paid -GMM Event 2 We Never get Boared

    The one I'm banging my head against is Vanquisher Arx Mentis Event 2 The Twins. Ach Balance of Power

    "Do not allow the Arc Ingens to get more than 2 percent out of balance"

    At current lvl this is proving very hard to do (for me at least)

    Has anyone gone back recently and got that ach, or can think of some ways to make getting this a bit easier?

    If I concentrate on just balancing the twins down the adds build up and power up, if I worry about the adds as well I cant concentrate as much on the balancing part.

    I need something that will be consistent DPS for the twins that isnt going to proc or do more dmg to one than the other.

    Im trying to do this with as few people as possible. Could anyone recommend a group or group(s) class makeup or strategy to try?
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Yes, you have to commit to doing it very slow. I haven't done it since CoV era, but even then we had EVERYONE who was there focus entirely on adds. I think we even killed pets (and no swarm pets). Then two tanks, preferably paladins (for obvious reasons) used sword and board and whittled them down. Might have removed DS as well. To "catch up" one could switch to 2h briefly. Again, no one else touched the golems.

    It was super boring, but it worked. Everything else is too inconsistent. I wanna say it took about 30m to do ... might have been 45, but it was the most boring part of "old" raiding on Live (especially since we found we could just break the script in Sepulcher and kill fast).

    I would think two tanks, probably two healers, and enough dps to kill adds as they pop would be enough. Might be a single group these days, but might need a few more.

    Don't forget to fill up the raid so you will never have to consider doing it again.

    P.S. LS weapons might be too much these days, even in a paladin's hand. Might have to go back expansion gear and just see what works.
    Thunderkiks and Knifen like this.
  3. Knifen Augur

    Thank you will def give this a try. Taking time is fine with me, its finding enough others that dont mind it.
    Thunderkiks likes this.