Account rolled back after the patch.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Watch the World Burn, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Watch the World Burn New Member

    Was anyone else unexpectedly rolled back after the patch on Wednesday?
    This is only happening on 1 account not all my accounts or my friends accounts.
    The account in question was rolled back to sometime on Sunday
    Since Sunday the toon had leveled to 98 and looted several (3) items from Greliths plus bought all his spells and leveled blacksmithing.
    The account was played on every day Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, and after the patch on Thurs when logged in was rolled back to where the char was on Sun.
    This is the second time this has happened, the other time we did not logging as much documentation and so support said they could not help.
    My friend is going to quit if this happens again and is not resolved.
    This time we have the logs. Yes we opened a ticket but I am seeking more info from others.
    Can a dev get involved to figure out why this char and I am sure others seem to be getting restored from an old save after patching but not on random server reboots or on a daily basis?

    Server is Cazic, toon name is Gadzuk
  2. Malbro Augur

    This happened to me after a patch, I petitioned and had the exp back before the petition was answered. I had to get a gm to meet me in pok to get some things back that I had lost.

    I asked how this could have happened and the gm / cs had no idea.