AB Downtime

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rikantiz, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Rikantiz Lorekeeper

    Apologies if this is the wrong place to post etc. I'm a forum virgin lol. Anyone know how long tue AB server gonna be down for tonight?
  2. Leerah Augur

    People often post issues like this here instead of in Support Forums. I don't know anything except to tell you it's currently 3:30PM in CA, so presumably they're working on it. Come visit on Povar. When the US servers are down, I come visit you so it's only fair!
    Rikantiz likes this.
  3. Kamiko New Member

    No ETA for now, unfortunately :(
  4. Yinnie the Pink Elder

    As long as they get those instant servers fixed for tomorrow. :)
  5. Kamiko New Member

    Had a LAN going here, we are LAN watching TV now hahaha
  6. Greyowl Augur

    08:00am this morning (gmt+1) AB was up, i still couldnt zone into GH tho. Didnt test other instances.