35 to spawn a new instance... is a bit many.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Velnarin, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Velnarin Lorekeeper

    This was a good idea in theory, but I haven't met a zone yet that it's really helped a lot in. Lake Rathe? It has one viable camp for leveling in at 20ish so you won't likely get to 35. Even places like SolA with a ton of camps can easily be cleared out and picked dry as a bone at about 20 people. I'd like to propose either lowering the amount of people it takes to spawn another instance or making each zone different depending on size and camp availability. My friends have spent a long time travelling to get to a place only to have to sit and wait an hour to be able to kill anything several times thus far and I can't imagine we're the only one having the issue.
  2. Vaclav Augur

    Different zones have different thresholds. Some the limits account for mobs no one would sensibly kill as "campable" though (i.e. SolA has entire sections rarely killed, Highpass only a tiny bit is killed, etc]
  3. Unique_Moop Augur

    we need like public expansion operations. everyone run to guk. we need 50 instances.
  4. Nenake Elder

  5. Vlerg Augur

    i like that idea.
  6. Weverley Augur

    I was in lguk yesterday and even with 50 persons in our instance the live side was mostly empty so i wouldn't make a big fuss about a 30 threshold.Depends on the zone.I can see Sol A and mistmoore at 30 but many other zones can accommodate much more.