2 1/2 hour queue, 20 minutes play.... client crash

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Mordyth, May 25, 2015.

  1. Mordyth New Member

    Daybreak.... EQbreak, you suck.
  2. sirgijoe Journeyman

    just had the same thing pretty much
  3. Mordyth New Member

    Sub cancelled
  4. Daragoth Lorekeeper

    2 hours in queue, got in for 3 mobs and advanced loot crashed and back in queue. Just when I think this new progression server can't disappoint me anymore, they invent new ways. What's next, watching TV or posting on the forums boots you from queue?
  5. Maxium Dualblade Elder

    Why are you using advanced loot? lmao

    I haven't crashed once. And have never waited longer than 10 minutes in que for 2 accounts. I dunno what to tell ya. You're doing something wrong.
  6. Teren_Kanan Elder

    Around prime time on a national holiday on a server that's overcrowded to begin with?

    Long queue times? You don't say! Nickcage.gif
  7. McDougal Augur

    I don't play here so take it for what it's worth (nothing) but why is there even adv loot on this server? Seems that would benefit ....
  8. Chips Elder

    I figured out that 'Leave on corpse' crashes the client when in a group using adv. loot.
  9. Tronk Augur

    Ah yes, the age old "blame the victims". The problem with that is at some point it will happen to you ...
  10. Quillar New Member

    Not sure who reads these. I'll give it a month then cancel if it hasn't improved. Not that it matters much for just me granted. I expect there are thousands in this boat however. Sucks to pay for a game you can't play. They should have granted X number of accounts access and then denied the rest or build up the capacity to handle the demand.
  11. Mordyth New Member

    I call . You mean to say its happening to everyone in my guild and there are multiple posts about it all over the place, but somehow, magically, you're unaffected? Gotcha
  12. Riou EQResource

    Depends when they log in, there has never been a Queue around this time yet. It doesn't seem to get a queue until around lunch time at the earliest and that one is only like 10-20 mins