Test Update 04/09/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Apr 8, 2024.

  1. MageGuy MageGuy

    ahh ok, so just checked out NPT...cannot MGB (as mentioned by someone previously) but can target and use on another toon or group etc., w/ it....which is something that just didn't dawn on me initially.

    Devs - Does AA Hastened Night's Endless Terror need adjusted now? Or is the two min timer intentional?
    Silvena likes this.
  2. E'ci - Knight Errant Lorekeeper

    You are assuming the game was designed with this capability in mind. That is not an iron-clad assumption. Other, very viable at-the-time and with-the-gear, successful play style options exist.

    Personally I hope its reduced to 12.

    If they did so they could then increase the XP per kill making traditional hunting techniques more effective while also making it closer to rather cheesy PBAE styles.
  3. E'ci - Knight Errant Lorekeeper

    A XP boost with 'cool-down' would work to those ends.
    Double XP on mob XP if there has been at least X (e.g. 1 minute for sake of argument) time since the last such XP gain.

    I know people, including myself, have absolutely gamed Lesson when PLing. Mind you I am talking about pulling a lot of mobs to then melee grind down to PL a lower level alt (on a second account). Pull dungeon, log in alt before mobs start to die, log out as last mobs die, let main character hang around until dungeon full repop. In practice I'd often get 2-3 'hours worth' from a single lesson as the logged-in time was very short compared to the respawn cycle time.
  4. Goratoar Elder

    Many PBs need to be rescaled in general, and especially if they get target limits, as a lot in modern play tend to require at least 30 mobs to be feasible over other options. I'm certainly fine with target limits, and 20 seems reasonable, if all of them get looked at in terms of real damage output and rebalanced to be at least useful in some adps situations starting around when you have half as many mobs as the target limit.

    A good start would be to allow focuses to work on and uncap crit rates on all PBAEs and tAEs.
  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Which is why I'm asking whichever dev did this to come here and explain WHY they think these changes are good for the classes. Does that dev even play an SK and/or Pally? Because there's no way in hell that any dev that mains either of these classes can look at what they just did and say "yeah, that's awesome".
    Marton and Cadira like this.
  6. Ysu9 Journeyman

    Imagine perma stunning 100 mobs in classic on dial up lol

    Oh yea def intended gameplay by the devs
    fransisco and Demetri like this.
  7. Allayna Augur

    The biggest let down to Champion's Oath isn't the 2 year delay. It isn't that it falls short in every way of what a current knight does in a given raid environment. Or that using it will leave you out of mana for a very short duration "defensive".

    It is the 20 minute reuse timer in today's everquest. Didn't Mangling just get it's timer lowered because 20 minutes was deemed too long of a reuse?

    I'll add this to the hotbar with Act of Valor (there's no hotbar with Act of Valor).
    fransisco, Cadira, Maedhros and 3 others like this.
  8. Zansobar Augur

    I'll up your 20 and suggest moving to 10!
    SpeakerBob, fransisco and kizant like this.
  9. Brickhaus Augur

    That's the most fun about playing a paladin. Placing Act of Valor on a prominent hotbar location AND key combination and hope when you are lagging you don't hit either.

    Life without risk is no life at all...
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    No mention of shrouds in the notes and I don't see them on test.

    Any ETA on them returning?
    Is their removal anything to do with adding Personas to the game?
  11. Cicelee Augur

    On that note, I have an alt with a gnoll reaver illusion that has five ranks to get. Does this mean because shrouds are not in game that my alt cannot achieve all five ranks?
  12. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    You will be able to achieve all ranks once the shrouds return to the game. Until then, no, you cannot advance it.
  13. Knifen Augur

    Not until the guy is put back in PoK. But hes up year round so even if anniversary events go away first youll still be able to do it.
  14. Angahran Augur

    {quote}- Instanced zones will again attempt to suspend mercenaries if there are too many players in the zone.
    This really sucks when you're fighting and your merc poofs because someone zones in.

    How about having it so if someone (or group) is attempting to zone in and the instance is full, they go to a pick? And don't suspend mercs?
  15. Lubianx Augur

    It says instanced zones, like the mission ones, not normal zones. There are no picks for instanced zones.
    fransisco likes this.
  16. Soulbanshee Augur

    Missions dont make sense, you aren't going to get 60 characters in one. I take it as meaning pickzones (instances of the static/base zone).
  17. CdeezNotes Augur

    Instances used to kick mercs if it had more than 6 players + mercs. This change is reintroducing that. Picks don't even make sense.
  18. Tachyon Augur

    still getting windowed mode, tried all tricks in this thread
  19. Meeko Developer(Code)

    The change was for mission/raid instanced zones, not pickzones. There were ways of getting more players+mercs in them than the task allowed so the check was added back as a safeguard to prevent that. Base and pickzones aren't changed.
  20. Knifen Augur

    I sure hope you mean mission zones only, cause if there is a way to get mercs into a raid dz we need to bring that back for non current expansions...
    Metanis likes this.