Broken Promises or Will We Ever See?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Abazzagorath, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Elizabeta Augur

    Content from a few years ago was current content at the time. Whether new or old, promises and problems need to be resolved.
    Sinestra likes this.
  2. wingz-83 Augur

    Pay me today for something I might deliver tomorrow. It's a business model that seems to work well with us.
  3. Moklianne Augur

    There will always be things that slip through the cracks. There will always be promises made that get shelved because other priorities take precedence or that dev leaves or the resources shrink, then the issue gets completely forgotten because its now 2 years later and it only impacts .005% of the community.

    Request all the changes you want, some may get done on outdated content if you request them respectfully and not stamp your feet like a child. If I was a dev, I would skip right over the nasty threads, so just remember that. You would too.

    If you don't like how they are handling EQ development then go play another game. No? Then tough.
  4. Errg New Member

    Actually I thought the OP was very respectful and professional in his asking. I am looking foreward to the answers to some of his questions by a DeV myself. If your comment was in reference to some of the other posters then I stand corrected. Either way I hope a DeV will look at this and reply, even if the answer is no to all, I think a resolution to hanging questions like these is worth the few mins. it will take a DeV to check and see what is still on the "to do" list and what is not.
  5. beryon Augur

    TBH I would like to see them have a reason to be repeatable because they're lots of fun (minus the running around bits). Making them group quests, though, would totally kill the unique class flavor of the quests; I think that idea would be a mistake.
    Dzarn likes this.
  6. Abazzagorath Augur

    Nothing about the post was intending to be demanding or disrespectful. It is a list of fairly specific content changes that we were supposed to get, that shouldn't necessarily require much resources to deliver on for many of them.

    I'd just like an answer about whether or not anything will ever be done about them. So we can delete worthless items, for example.
  7. Crystilla Augur

    Some of these were addressed at SoE Live. I've only kept the ones that I remember came up and listed what the answer given was.

    Player models. It was mentioned that, depending how things go with Player Studio, it's not outside the realm of possibilities that sometime in the future, this would be something that players could be involved with. Player Studio right now is starting with the much less complicated, much easier to create non moving/non animated items. If things went well here, moving into certain armor slots and/or an NPC creation could be next on the horizon, and then progress from there. No guarantees, as it really does depend how things progress.

    Every single panel, it was mentioned that both Elidroth and Aristo are well aware that Wizards need love and it's on their mind. They didn't give any examples however of how they plan to address this.

    They did address the heirloom LoN items, and if I remember this right, that will go back to the proper way it was before they had to change it to address the exploits. I think they might have mentioned when this will take place but I forgot.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Just words from them, to keep the wizzys quite. 10 months since Elidroth was supposed to fix us and in all that time all we have had in a nerf....I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm not holding my breath.

    If they can't give any examples now of how they plan of fixing us I seriously don't think they have any ideas on how to do it.
  9. Zelena Journeyman

    I am all for the Transforming surprise quests to be finished. Those were promised and never done. Also, the stones of chaos augs would be nice also. Heres the quote i found about them.
    "We're planning on having an alternate method of receiving the rewards from this quest via SoD content so that anyone who missed out has a chance at the rewards as well. "


    If ryan still works there see if he can find the time to implement a quest for these augs please!

  10. Sinestra Augur

    What a short sighted and childish post. If you don't like the "nasty threads" then don't bother reading them now or stop posting. I bet you won't follow your own advice though.
    Leerah likes this.
  11. Moklianne Augur

    The subject of this thread starts with "Broken promises...." You could have left that out and a word here or there and it would be perceived differently than how I perceived it. You could have replaced the subject with "Devs - a question concerning older content"

    I apologize if my earlier response seems harsh.
  12. Sinestra Augur

    As has been stated countless times by players, devs, and the moderators subject lines that directly call for devs attention are usually ignored, and I believe Piestro said he instructs the devs not to even look or respond to such threads.
  13. Pizacatto - CT Augur

    I had keys and unlock through raids for every dang zone up to The Buried Sea, and when I came back, I started back into getting flagged for zones (fully HoT Flagged, T3 VoA), and I'm thinking about going to Brell to open it up with my lower level mage.
  14. Absor Developer

    You have a long list, and I'm at home so I can't answer all of them. I'll start by saying that not very many of those were promised at all.

    Compensation for changing bags: I wouldn't expect that. We changed them because we needed to and folks really shouldn't expect compensation for things like that.
    Comvorteum Surprise Item: I'll look into this when I get in.
    Sokokor Mount: As far as I know, that was always meant to be a raid reward. If someone told you that, they were probably wrong.
    Stone of Chaos Augs: I have no idea.
    Flag/Key Rewards: I vaguely remember that. I'll see if anyone else has any idea where we left that.
    Unlocking Raids: We've probably fallen behind on that due to the crazy that is 2012. I'll poke someone about it.
    New Models: Never promised, may never happen. This one I'm certain we've mentioned several dozen times. Though let's see if Hero's Forge can get us there.
    Wizards DPS: You'll have to talk to the systems guys. I don't have an answer.
    LoN: At Fan Faire this weekend the man in charge of LoN mentioned in one of his panels that these items would become heirloom again. All we were waiting on was approval, so that should happen sometime soonish.

    Dzarn likes this.
  15. Absor Developer

    That wasn't Tunare, it was Firiona.

    Sheesh. :p

    Aanuvane and Dzarn like this.
  16. Ronak Augur

    This mindset is why we've had two rounds of server mergers, and why we've went from 500 raid organizations to 50. The OP's post was very respectful. It was about as constructive as possible. Successful businesses don't tell their customers the bolded statement above. I may give SoE some grief, but I've never seen them say the bolded above either.

    You'll note there are red name responses here. Criticism is ok, as long as it's respectful.
  17. Ronak Augur

    Being as respectful as possible. Check the old forums, a lot of these, and many more not listed, were stated as "going to happen" by red names there. Not hinted at, not "we'll look into it", but "going to happen". Granted that's not "I promise". But it's kinda implied the same, right?
  18. Gannen Elder

    actually they could make an easier quest... walk up to the NPC, with the epic, let it see you have the epic, or it sees the epic flag, and then it gives you a quest for your classes epic... not one for each class, but one to get some parts and then they give you a mold... 15 classes with one main quest as it'd be an ornamentation... getting the epic itself could be the class specific part of the quest...
  19. Gannen Elder

    The unlocking of expansion raids and keyed zones they've done a few times over the years... and with the high end today, it's likely needed to be done once more, to compare content rewards with high end content where most people play and see how the rewards compare...

    the last set of keyed/flagged zones to be unlocked via level, they opened up via level unlocking, up thru Secrets of Faydwer... and with Seeds of destruction, where content rewards really started to jump with the levels... although old man mckenzie might be a fair target to check as well (unlock the raid parts on him so people can do it with groups if they have a set level, as his raid gear is more like lower tier House of thule)... But with a level 100 cap coming, it's probably not a bad idea to ask for them to consider the content post SOF... with SOD, old man mckenzie and some of underfoot... as underfoot will be 4 expansions old now...

    They had said new models would be a royal drain on the resources too... new models is more than it sounds, as they have to do models for the characters, and then get numbers for every visible item on gear so it fits with the current engine (if I remember correctly) for every model and graphic action done... which I do remember them saying is almost as much as asking for a whole expansion's worth of resources (but with very little to show other than the new models) to develop...

    They was even asked once about zone graphic upgrades for old zones... and the reply was easy... "would a zone graphic upgrade make people start to use the zone regularly more?" or just a one time... "wow, i like it" then run back to the more new zones... as it's not the graphics that gets people more interested in zones but the content and rewards... and there was another reply out there that they find it much easier to make a new zone than to rewire/redo an old zone...

    still, some of the items there would be good to hear back on... to at least know that they have recently considered it, ect...
  20. Abazzagorath Augur

    Thanks Absor, thats exactly what I was looking for. Getting the convorteum surprise items after all this time would be great.

    The sokokor mount was a definite promise, maybe someone else cares enough to go dig up the old posts in the old forum before they are deleted? There was a huge uproar over it, and the fact the only way you could get the mount (this was before LoN had one), the first "flying" mount was via raiding, and the promise came that we'd be able to get one via grouping somehow, but it never materialized. Meaningless to me, but I do know there was a definite promise on this one.

    LoN thing is great.

    I honestly don't care about most of the answers one way or another, but its nice to at least have an idea for sure that some are just gonna hit the dust bin as obsolete issues or resource restricted.
  21. gnomeboss Augur

    i had a pm from rytan in my inbox saying there was another way. which i'd like, but, you know ...