Charm is too strong

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Barthorn, May 6, 2020.

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  1. Minpire Augur

    Every Class is OP with unique features of their own, This is why we play Everquest. Also comes down to who is controlling them also...
    Skuz likes this.
  2. Sollix Journeyman

    If you dont like charm go play WoW.

    They would be fools to nerf/ one of the most creative things about EverQuest. It gets naturally nerfed anyways at and after Omens of War.
  3. CyryllisFenninRo Lorekeeper

    Is charm powerful? Absolutely. However, it balances the fact that enchanter is probably the least enjoyable class to play in raids. This is coming from someone who has played the class on and off for 20 years.

    Also, like others have said, charm after PoP drops in power significantly. Try playing the game past the first few expansions.
    Skuz and Bullsnooze like this.
  4. Kanuvan Elder

    i dont think its fun at all, watching a pet do all the work that a well oiled group should be doing is undynamic and unfun and doesnt fit in a TLP setting that goes back to the the basics of having a holy trinity of players all playing there own unique and important role

    its funny that fists got balanced but charm is fine because "muh bored raid enchanter"
    Thalliius, Ruiner and Sokanist like this.
  5. auto21 Augur

    I wish it would change but it won't...

    You guys realise that you're just arguing now and adding very little to the discussion? and there is next to zero chance anything will be changed... especially for the upcoming servers.
    Bullsnooze likes this.
  6. Tucoh Augur

  7. Tucoh Augur

    Some of my favorite memories in WoW are mind controlling people with my priest :D
  8. Sikkun Augur

    Balanced as in still the most OP melee class?

    Most these post are major hyperbole of how OP charm is. It does break and kill groups all the time. The content is easy, you can rush to max level with out an ench and hold way larger camps than anything you could of done in 99 with pretty much any group makeup.

    For people who want the 99 experience they are looking in the wrong place...too many things are wrong and it’s not just charm.
    Skuz likes this.
  9. Barthorn Elder

    From what I'm gathering people know it's too strong and are trying to defend it because they plan on using it, and it's fun to abuse an over powered mechanic. Nothing comes close to the power of charm in Classic-PoP. Each class has a strong feature. Saying X is overpowered because they have Y is silly. We are talking about Charm as a mechanic not a specific class. It is too strong compared to anything else in the game from Classic-PoP.
    Thalliius and Sokanist like this.
  10. Cidran Augur

    I actually respect both points of view but I wanted to say that, being completely unaware of this, I rolled an enchanter in Agnarr up to Velious and ended up being a charm machine for virtually all the groups I got. Every time I'd try something different people would be unhappy so I lost most of my interest in the class.

    I get some players like it that way, but it was definitely not my case. Also, my best friend joined the server for a few months as a warrior; his performance was so poor compared to my pet it was hard not to feel bad for him.
    Sokanist likes this.
  11. Stune Augur

    Charming is fun, asking for another nerf is the worst thing you can want at this stage of the game. To me its just another warrior asking to nerf everyone else again like its been every year since i can remember, and that's a long time.

    There is going to be limits in other zones, and charming is impossible.

    Lets not have the warrior vs all other classes again. Otherwise i request the devs give a warrior 1 sword, and 1 shield only and allow them to dps for 15pts damage.
  12. Febb Augur

    Oh boy, isn't classic EQ great? I mean we haven't seen this argument ever right?

    Lets all reroll on the new server and drag ourselves right through it again, shall we? We're not sadistic at all.
    Stune likes this.
  13. Stune Augur

    Ya very true and i think some people who have not been here playing since Alpha/Beta think we don't know this train ride or something. We already had Tanks nerf everyone else to this so called "Balance" and it ended up reducing populations... now they dont play anymore so everyone else is left with the leftovers... Devs caved... Live servers, before TLP already went through enough to make you quit.
  14. jack of all trades Elder

    This discussion on risk vs reward for charm is hilarious.

    The people that are claiming that charm pets are top dps in all situations , you do realize at the same time they have the highest risk when that pet breaks ?
    Saying that charm pets are low risk and high reward is just shows how little you have played the class through TLPs. ( wait til that charm pet breaks 5 times in under 1 minute )

    Please explain to me how an enchanter can solo charm in Classic - Luclin ??
    The answer is they do not and that is because they need supporting classes to actually be the OP GODs that people are claiming.

    I will agree the charm pets do great DPS but at the same time , if your healer is not paying attention you can say goodbye to that DPS.
    Creedmonk and Skuz like this.
  15. Barthorn Elder

    Yea it is hilarious, cause there is very low risk. People can box their own cleric. You are associating risk with someone being AFK. Charm classes have all the tools the handle their own pet as well with low risk. It rarely breaks 5 times in a minute. I will also add that the reward for charming is insane. The DPS is absurd, and it can tank.
  16. jack of all trades Elder

    Barthorn :
    How is that low risk ? They are having to box a second character just to make that class OP.
    I would consider that high risk because they are controlling two character and not one.

    Explain how any charming classes are "Low Risk" when in reality they are only low risk because they have the supporting class available to keep them alive.
    Skuz likes this.
  17. Barthorn Elder

    There's not much to explain. You can legit be naked, no gear and still keep a pet charmed with little risk. I feel that you think it breaks often and is inconsistent. That's not the case. It lasts full duration often and breaks infrequently. You also have 5 other people supporting you while you carry the group. I also associate risk with the amount of reward you get for having a pet, i mean can you admit the damage is absurd? There's a post on here about 2 charm pets Kill Stealing 15 people in Chardok royals. They out damaged 15 people with 2 hasted pets quading for 275. You can also keep the pet permanently snared if you have a druid or ranger it lasts around 12-15 minutes. People are supporting the pet while they get carried it's insanely broken.

    I'll also add that "soloing" really isn't a thing on TLP. The experience is really bad and it's best to be in a group, even at level 1.
  18. Fudly Elder

    If charm was high risk, it wouldn't be used in every pick up group with an enchanter because your average player wouldn't be good enough to profit from the strategy.
    Thalliius likes this.
  19. Sikkun Augur

    So now you need a druid/ranger, ench, and a cleric to really be OP and safe. Might as well add some more DPs for a full group. Maybe a monk for pulling so you don’t have charm break while having to CC. Bard for some ADPS and CC, shaman could slow.

    Sounds like some good group comps of people supporting each other’s class roles.
    Skuz likes this.
  20. Beep Elder

    Why is it that people who are too lazy to play enchanter always complain about enchanter being OP?:rolleyes:
    Skuz and Pawtato like this.
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