Yellow crystals in Robinson Park

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by BigBabyGeezuz, May 17, 2013.

  1. AIpha New Player

    They are open to using them in some other form.......its called purchaseable in the marketplace, but before they do that they needed to make them available for 2yrs so that once removed people would be more willing to get them because they are used to using them. Watch I can guarantee they will pop up in some form or another in the marketplace for somewhere between .50-1.50 a piece.
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  2. Mr.Me New Player

    Lol every time anything happens its jump right to the money grab gripes. This is the only game I have been on that give +200-300% cash when you charge and also does 50% of sales, $1.50 here is really about 25 cents. And there's still free ways around building SC fast, I'm sure SoE is just looking to steal your pocket change tho... :D
  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    And according to update notes, they have removed the effect on yellow barrels too.
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  4. Trinidad James Loyal Player

  5. Giggles Loyal Player

    I support this change. +1 devs.
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  6. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Yet there is still a way to get a SC super fast in game;).
  7. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I think I need a PM from you :p
  8. Carthage New Player

    Ask me in game. Nerf bat swinging a bit too wildly. ^_^
  9. Nawtae Well-Known Player

    There was a glitch/bug if you happened to be queing for Legends and Arenas and you were filling your SC with the yellow crystals. Sometimes if your que for Legends popped while you were filling your SC and you had the crystal buff on you, your range attack would hit for an insane amount. It would one shot people and you'd be reported. I've had it happen to me, I know leaguemates who it happened to, friends, and I watched a video(in another thread) from Yallander who 's leaguemate wiped out a FOS Legends match full of Steels with a Bane due to this bug.

    I'm not really upset about this. I'll go beat on a sparring target in a leaguemate's lair.
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  10. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

  11. Yallander Loyal Player

    Brice is off his meds...

    Nothing to see here. :p

    (I kid, I kid)