Why are open world dlcs stat clamped?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    So I can solo in tank gear but it takes forever … I could make a battle tank but it would just be so much quicker if there was a group there.
  2. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    Doomed Metropolis DD is one of the easier solo bounties, I did as celestial DPS with a shield and heal on my loadout, however I agree soloing bounties to get the feat is too time consuming, unless you treat it like dailies and only tackle a few per day and eventually get the feat.
  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I don't think feeds are intended to be marathoned until completion
  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    to be honest if raids are about 2 minutes long when I started this game I would have uninstalled it within 5.

    You enjoy taking the challenge out of the run and I enjoy it still being there because that justifies me firing the game up. There is no mental stimulation to me taking on something that doesn't really do anything back. If I can fight something and beat it within 5 seconds without using my brain it's not engaging.

    And if you want to turn your brain off and whack things to death then a single player experience as much better suited to you rather than trying to make an MMO a single player experience. Where your wants are affecting my runs.

    And to be honest I haven't really seen the community budge. Of course I see a complaint or two about the stack clamp but the community is overall just moved on it's just a few here that want to believe that the community hasn't moved on because they are still trying to fight something that has been introduced over a year ago that has no signs of being removed or altered at this point.

    All I'm seeing are some players who are trying to gaslight people into thinking that some people want to keep group content as group content because their gatekeeping....

    If you can stand there and say that the community size is decreasing but also allow players to ignore their fellow players and not need a group for group content.

    This is arguing for a more solo centric game when the game has been suffering that for that for years and you think that's going to fix the problem?

    Some of y'all need to let this clamp threads die. It's typically going to be Ghost Rider or two others that simply won't let these threads die because if it dies then so does the argument so they have to keep trying to revive it to keep the top of going to actually make it look like there's more responses then there really is when it's about seven people just arguing in a circle?

    And then when the discussion is exhausted then he's going to revive an old stack clamp thread to try to get that one going again
    • Like x 2
  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    If you keep an eye on LFG chat you can usually join a group doing weekly T5-T6 bounty runs, or just follow them. I finished about half of bounty feats that way. After weekly reset on Thursdays you can often just go to Deluge CC and there probably will be a group forming, or at least someone waiting by Starro.

    And then there are the occasional farms, especially on Episode spotlight weeks, often using multiple phases, so you can max out the counters in one area in a few hours. Just last week on EUPC/PS, which is much less populated than US server I found farms in Doomed Metro, Atlantis, Titan's Island, Metal Gotham and now there's been one going in Wonderverse for 2 days.

    If you're a villain (which my main is) it's a good idea to have a hero alt to check out hero LFG once in a while. There really should be an option to see to the other faction's LFG.

    And if none of that is going on at the mo - just chase other feats for a bit. This game has thousands of them.

    Low-to-mid tier bounties are the hardest to find a group for, but there are only like 5 of them, their counters are generally much lower, you can often only do 1 a week and they give very little SP compared to T5-6, so you can just skip them, at least until you have nothing else left to do.

    In about seven months I finished almost all the OW feats on my main without making a group once. I think that's a fair amount of time - MMOs are not really designed for instant gratification, or playing solo. Which is probably why the genre is dying.
  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Nobody is for "2 minute" raids...

    At least not current ones...

    The question is about ones that we did hundreds of times over the last 10 years...

    That's myopic. He could easily play in a group that feels the same as he....

    Than an option that would keep you two seperate would be more useful.

    She types... thus keeping this clamp thread alive.

    If only that were the case..

    It ain't just me.

    Yeah... with the same four people. (or are you including yourself in that "seven")

    We'll see.....