Which are you most looking forward to?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Future Nostalgia, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Future Nostalgia New Player

    Revamp of Sorcery and Nature, or the new DLC? And which do you think will drop first? Discuss.
  2. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    New DLC for both.
  3. Myrdin69 New Player

    none of them

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  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Sorcery revamp. I only switched to try celestial and it was fun, now I'm Electric just because it is really fast. But man I miss my sorcery. Please revamp this. I have a respec token in my bank waiting for the day I can go back to my original power of almost 2 years
  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The PS4 launch.

    It's been ages since I've explored Metro and Gotham. Running the old duos and alerts is going to be fun again. I love the game, but the PS4 is going to be a big shot of adrenalin to my toon.
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  6. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I am most looking forward to the weekend.
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  7. Poo New Player

    New DLC. I couldn't care less about revamping Sorcery or Nature at all TBH.
  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm taking it one step at a time, so the next update. If nothing else it may help push me into getting a new video card. All depends on how my PC can handle things, I guess. :D

    But if I had to go with the choices in the OP, I'd have to go with the DLC. Always been a fan of Lantern lore, and my curiosity on an official announcement of the new power set is pretty significant. I've never played either Nature or Sorcery because those power sets have never really caught my eye, so my interest in the DLC is higher.
  9. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Both but I think none of them will be out this year.
    Waiting patiently for Armories...
  10. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I just want more raids...and armories. DLC is meaningless to me if it doesn't include raid sized content.
  11. mgibson New Player

    Ominous words to remember...
    I fear the Healer update. I remember the chaos that ensued after the tank update. In particular, I remember the total upheaval of Tytanic load outs (Purposely misspelled for a pun).
    I have a feeling it will go the same way, again.
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  12. SuperLD Well-Known Player

    Yes! Yes! Yes!
  13. Black House New Player

    I worry that they will break Nature and fail to make sorcery relevent again, that tanking with combos will become a "thing" and that Tank and Spank content is all that the design team are currently equipped to do...

    On the bright side I'm getting a PS4 and have cancelled my Elder Scrolls On0line pre-order so they have me for the forseeable future...

    of course Destiny is coming!!
  14. Starry Hope New Player

    I'm looking forward to the Nature and Sorcery Revamps! I LOVE sorcery and I'm currently nature cause i needed a break from sorcery because it got a bit stale but i'm still eager to see how they revamp sorcery!
  15. Brice Allen Loyal Player