What the best Character you like in Dc unviers?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Henray Jem, Aug 11, 2023.

  1. Henray Jem New Player

    I personally like Superman because his so strong, but joker is something else. Bro joker is a savage character I ever seen in any other universe.
  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    While I like the big guns I've always been a fan of the more obscure or offbeat characters.

    Kid Flash (Wally West), Raven and Wonder girl (Donna Troy) would be my trinity.

    the Flash is my favorite solo character.

    The Doom Patrol.

    Spider Girl and Kent Shakespeare from the legions 5 year gap.

    Monstergirl (from Young Heroes in Love).

    The Midnighter.
  3. Controller Devoted Player




    Perhaps the most slept-on Heavy Hitter in ALL of comics.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    Donna Troy
  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    The Spectre and The Creeper. I wish the Creeper would make an appearance. The original, not the terrible reimagining.


  6. Grip Committed Player

    Any Green Lantern from Earth! Is there any better origin than an individual being picked to control a tool that's literally as powerful as its wearer can imagine because said wearer's inner determination exceeds all others? I'm all in on the adventures of an intergalactic peacekeeper responding to complex scenarios around the universe; especially with guest characters mixed in for contrast. Toss in some work/life balance stuff and BoOm!

    So far I'm most familiar with Stewart and Jordan but variety is everything. Cool thread!
  7. arkhamowl Level 30

    Deathstroke. He is my all time favorite character. I also like his family. I like the complexity of being morally grey and the Wilson family drama.
    Other than that I also like Owlman both Thomas Wayne Jr. from Earth 3 and Lincoln March. I especially like the first story about the Boomerang Killer, Thomas Willowood. I like the mind boggling mystery behind his identity.