What exactly does "Elite" mean?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Light Bender92, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    One could say the same to you and those who claim that the Devs will never cater to the "1%" of players who run elite. You have no financial data, stop acting as though you do, that's not even the discussion here. The discussion is whether or not elite should be what it is advertised as, period. Doesn't matter what their bottom line is.

    If elite isn't truly elite then discontinue it like they did with SM. I miss SM, But I understand that they need to make money. You shouldn't implement something in the game saying this is to challenge the very best players, but then at the same time we're catering everything towards casuals. Which is it!

    The same tired argument I see is that it's all about the money or "we're only 1%" which isn't even a good argument considering that we aren't even the ones who chose make an "elite" version of content with the intent to challenge players. If elite is supposed to be challenging, then make it challenging, PERIOD. If casuals find it too hard (which it wasn't made for them in mind but hey according to you guys it's whatever the dollar says, not having multiple options) then remove it like SM period. One of the reasons people love elite and the reason SM fizzled out was due to the fact that it was relevant content that was difficult. If you can't deliver on that then don't advertise it as such.

    I'm honestly baffled that so many of you are swarming in to the Devs defense, it's like you all work for Day Break or sumthn. But here's the thing, YOU DONT. Stop acting as though their bottom line affects you. Stop acting as though you guys have access to their financial data and making outlandish assumptions every time someone suggests any change. I started this thread to create a discussion on why elite should be changed, not to listen to apologists. If every time we want to invoke change we simply say "BUT THEIR MONEY" how will we ever get anywhere.
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  2. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Which one are you in that video beating crown elite?...lol

    No..seriously, when elite player gets defined maybe they can start appeasing them. Until then it settle with DCU online or move on i’d say. Ol boy was pretty heated on that video...it is really just a game.
  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Because it would sicken me to my absolute core to leave a game that has been this much apart of my life for 7 years in the hands of half the people that post on these forums. I would never intentionally do that type of disservice to DCUO.
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  4. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    This is a very weak argument and I'm surprised you even said this. Obviously if you spend hours on a game, spend lots of money on a game, and TRULY care for a game you won't just drop it because you dislike something. You'll want to try and change the direction it's going because you're so fond of it. By this logic, if I'm disgusted with the current leadership of my country or the policies at hand, I should just jump ship right? No. That's ridiculous, and I'm not equivocating the 2, I'm making a point.

    I don't know what you guys' beef with Obsidian is, but keep it out of the thread. He merely stated an opinion, it's that simple. Telling someone the equivalent of "leave the game" is ridiculous and mean spirited. This is why we never get anywhere as a community, because we can never truly LISTEN to the other side's concerns. It's sad really, but to bring it all back that argument is weak and invalid. And let's say he does leave the game, it doesn't change the fact that the current state of "elite" is an issue. It just shows that the Devs stubbornness drove away a player, that isn't a good thing. Inb4 "it's only one player"... That's not the point...
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  5. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Not an argument or “beef” , just a simple question
  6. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    I'm not in that video, I don't even know Obsidian lol.

    Moving on to your next point, I obviously have settled with DC if I'm playing it lol that doesn't mean I can't push for it to get better. Your assertion that it's either play a game with bad aspects and don't try to fix them or ain't leave is assinine. And if it really were "just a game" we wouldn't spend hard earned money on it, or test incoming content the way we do, or create and chat on forums, or propose ideas, or worry about the Devs bottom line, etc etc. It goes both ways champ lol
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  7. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    I commend you on that answer, sir. No beef...genuinely wondering!
  8. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Elite should be hard and the majority of players should not be able to beat elite content on the first day. But.....................
    What percentage of players beat the elite content today? Do we know that?
    If they make content too hard then people we be screaming for nerfs.
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  9. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    This honestly blows my mind. Here I was trying to start a conversation on how we can come to an agreement on what elite should be, and yet no proposed ideas, no reasons for why elite should be the way it is, just the usual "Devs need money"... If that's the case let's just never question ANYTHING they do. Let's just never make suggestions. Why even test content if they're just supposed to leave everything as they designed? That's the problem with some of you. It's not that I necessarily disagree with you, it's that you are unnecessarily argumentative and aggressive. I GENUINELY would like to know what elite should be in your eyes, not some arbitrary reason as to why it is the way it is currently. But apparently throwing ideas around in hopes that Devs may enact change is something that's too far fetched for a video game. It's a shame really.
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  10. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Hey im a 20 year RETIRED combat army veteran. This game is more addictive than the motrin the military forced down our throats and i play it all day long until im maxed out in usually 3 weeks and all from pugging!! I can sympathize with you guys but at some point it is what it is....a bank acct depleting, girlfriend arguing over, neglecting kids for, not eating all day, rage quiting video game! Lol...i say all this for this point, DONT LET IT GET TO YA, yall have a good night or day depending on where you are!
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  11. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Yeah, it isn't an exact science to it but that's why we should make concrete "rules". Is the suggested cr 253? Then of course you won't beat it as 245 and this your cries for "nerfs" are invalid. Is it day one and you beat it with not even a full vendor set from the LAST dlc? Then maybe we should listen to a little feedback.

    We have no data to work with so I can't say an exact percentage, but I have rarely (if not ever) have been able to pug elite day one and complete it within an hour... My troll was still 244 at the time n after a few tries learning each boss (especially the first and the rock hallways) we flew through it. Is that not ridiculous? Lol
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  12. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    Same to you brother, no animosity at all. I just genuinely care for the game, I've been playing since I was 13 and I say that as someone who's in their 20s now lol. I may come off as a little.. passionate, but I trust me I get where you're coming from. You have a good one.
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  13. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    When it comes to Elite content, the eternal problem lies with much of our playerbase: If content is too difficult, it leads to glitching/exploiting or simply replaying the first boss over and over. (Or staying in shallower waters, like I do. ;) )

    It must be disheartening for the devs.
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  14. ALB Dedicated Player

    Just about myself I have 400sp, never exploited or took advantage of a glitch friends or leaguemates were doing, have little over a billion. Maybe 2 if I transfer all funds, every DLC except last I was full elite. Reason I wasn't last dlc is because I was leveling toons(19 who can run current content), have never missed an op item since it has revolved around collections, and my main already have fully leveled augments.

    I say all that to say this, I'm a casual player because DC is a casual game. "What do elite mean?". It don't mean DC. I love DC because of this. DC has never been hard. All content has been beaten within a week, 90% of it, elite or not on the first day. The elite exploit, glitch, and take all short-cuts to beat content and then turnaround and call the content easy. If I wanted to play a hardcore MMO I would play FFXIV. Can't buy your way to the elite level and all exploits get rolled back and will get you laughed off server.

    Forgot, have all TCs feat while spending about 100$ total since released.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    It wasn't actually my argument and in fact, I actually acknowledged in my post that the other people didn't have the data and pointed out that the argument with the most merit, in the absence of factual information is the one that is the most logical and is most likely on the balance of probabilty taken by a reasonable person, those reasons were documented by others as well as me.

    revenue also is a primary factor here, I felt perhaps an illustration would help you see the point I was trying to express.


    Disclaimer: My band sizes aren't intended to represent any particular size or population base other than to illustrate the point.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception


    I guess this says it all really, I hate to be the one to break this too you, but you're not in control of this game, the developers and Daybreak are in control of this game, you get to be a part of the community and you get to express feedback, you don't get to dictate what other people think, you don't get to dictate how others feel about the game or proclaim that your opinion is somehow more credible than anyone elses.

    Other people "the half of the forum" you call them that choose to disagree with you, are not doing a "disservice" to this game, which is the absolute insinuation of your comment that "walking away" would be doing a "disservice" to this game.

    You are not saving this game from the "newbies of the forum" ObsidianChill, you are a part of the community as much as everyone else and just because you don't always get content the way you like it or the way you want it, every single time, doesn't make the game disappointing for everyone, it just means it's 'sometimes' disappointing for you personally, but certainly not everyone and you need to start to realise there's more people playing this game than just you.
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  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I have a question or three.

    Did anyone that's complaining about the difficulty of the elite raid do any testing on the test server? If so,..........
    What did you test? and........
    How many times did you test the content before the release?

    I'm asking because I watched the feedback thread and I saw zero comments about the content being too easy.
    If we're going to complain about difficulty it should have been brought up then and not after the fact.
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  18. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    It really does doesn't it, oh and i'm not saving dcuo from the newbies of the forums, most of them actually aren't that bad at all and have shown a willingness and openness to new things. It's the other half I'm talking about. I really don't need to go into detail there because that's why I have a youtube where I can say whatever I need to uncensored to thousands of viewsers.
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  19. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    This is a really unnecessary question, there have been multiple times in several different places not only myself but Penryn and others that were on test outlined the issues that we encountered trying to get elite tested.

    The actual question Knarlydude is why are half of the players commenting in these elite threads even here because they don't go on test server at all and don't provide any feedback during the testing phase at all but feel the need to comment on something they haven't done just to have an opinion.
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  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You didn't answer my question. You deflected. How many times did you test content and did you say anything in the testing thread??

    If you gonna bitchNmoan then do it when it's being tested. You waiting until after the fact makes you look like you are trying to complain just to complain.
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