What’s going on with the bans?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Oct 16, 2022.

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  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Those potato cakes were boss!
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  2. Skoll Well-Known Player

    “As we are finishing the upcoming episode we will be looking into the egregious abusers and will handle the bans accordingly, in the mean time please be patient.”

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    It really is that simple. They’ve locked threads for less…
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  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Doesn't seem like it would be very hard to track and take away those purchases on each account that bought them. And ban accordingly thereafter.
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  4. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    There are players who spend a lot time and money who suffer after every expoit no matter if its impact devs wallet or in game economy and thats my bigest issue becouse devs somehow dont see that in game economy also impact theys wallet in long term .
    People are sick after every expoit and some quiting the game others like me not spending cash anymore becouse whats the point you can get bilions in game cash without expoiting from this who abuse exploit ( becouse devs fixed only technical issue and all "goods" from expoit flooded the broker ) and buy all you need from other players .
    I mean how hard is to get 1 bilion in game cash if you lucky 1 hour worst scenario 2 days.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I didn't say it was right that those other, player impacting, things are glossed over...just saying that's the way it is.

    The massive cash hack 2 years ago pretty much hosed the already sketchy economy and lost us the ability to trade cash, yet many of the offenders were allowed back in with little consequences save the ones we all had to take (like the 'tax'). It ain't right...but it is how it works.

    But that's how it works in the real world many times too. A 'problem' isn't a real issue till it impacts a certain group or person (and I'm not referencing anything in particular or any group). When it's the 'other guys problem' it's always less important than when it's your own. In this instance, in game cash...our problem. Lost sales...DI's. We'll see what the final outcome is.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but if someone bought 20 packs (300 stabilizers) and opened 100 of the new cap, and then sold or otherwise distributed those items...how do you 'take away' those purchases? Either the stabilizers OR the items they netted?

    I do agree though, where possible, reverse the transactions. I'd just guess there are a lot more who immediately went and cashed in if they could. Also, I'd guess quite a few throwaway accounts did this....if so, and the gains all went to OTHER accounts who didn't buy any bundles...who fixes that?

    As I said before though, more items in game means lower prices and more stock for the general populace to buy. This issue really only negatively impacts DI or those people who were sitting on stockpiles of the valuable items that are now less valuable. I know I've seen things in the broker that hadn't appeared under 1B for a long time. Didn't need any personally, but yeah....someone does I'm sure. So it's a benefit for them.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah if they get banned I see these guys just making a new account and starting again, this game is super hero crack with no competition lets be real.

    That's why people keep playing even though every DLC is mad recycled lol.

    You know what I say is true.
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  8. Andrew Marsh Level 30

    Yeah mate you're correct.
  9. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    You're not wrong. There really is no other good superhero MMOs.
  10. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    On an unrelated note:

    Don't sniff glue, kids.

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  11. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Same noone I know got banned
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  12. Kozzie New Player

    The cash machine isn't analogous. In that situation something is actually lost/taken. No physical product was lost, and all those packs would have otherwise never sold, so it's not like they can say they're out that money. In reality they probably lost very little money. The biggest cost to them is the labor to fix their mistake/glitch. The major issue at hand her is the potential damage to the in-game marketplace.

    They can't calculate losses that way because they didn't lose any physical product and those packs would have otherwise never sold. In actuality they probably lost very little money.
  13. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Well, then it's fortunate, that nobody is going to prison over this...
  14. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    There's also the factor of 'ill-gotten rewards'

    I don't remember if you were on Xbox the night the exploit happened, but the broker was absolutely stacked with stuff that is never there; void essence and material, flaming phoenix feather, about 6 B & W neons etc etc.

    Recouping those items is going to be a bit trickier and requires much more data wrangling.

    In terms of relational databases, character id relates to a list of purchases made, easy enough to track. But what about the profits they made, the items they sold & traded, how many of them gave items to friends at favourable rates or just for storage etc etc. I'm guessing some of the exploiters were smart enough to think ahead, knowing action would be taken, as there's still a void essence (or was yesterday, didn't sell) on xbox broker.
  15. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I'm sure there'll be a Marvel one soon... Oh no wait nevermind :D
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  16. Dene Devoted Player

    which makes it all more intriguing lol - like what was their threshold?
  17. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I'm assuming like one to two, maybe three packs. If you bought more than that you probably caught a suspension.
  18. L T Devoted Player

    Daybreak made a mistake here, and should probably apologize. That having been said, all of this is a lot more complicated and a lot messier then most folks seem to think it is.

    Stealing from a cash machine does not typically have implications for the entire world's economy. Nor does getting cheap chicken.

    No one in this thread so far seems to have considered the case where someone starts a new account, buys a bunch of these, and mails out the rewards. Tracing that sort of thing is probably painful and possibly beyond the current resources of the currently short-staffed dev team. In the past, that sort of damage might have been limited by the availability of capsules somewhat, but the current variant is much easier to obtain. Perfect mess of a storm.
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  19. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Thats why people might wait for unban till december but dont know what year .
  20. Espresin New Player

    I said I would purchase what I bought if they don’t want to honor their sale price. But No Reply. If I’m willing to pay whatever price they charge why can’t I have my account back? Now!
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