Wait, I'm confused... (Legends PVP)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BusterUno, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. BusterUno New Player

    Last week, The Batcave 1 vs 1, Lair Battles 2 vs 2, etc. were Legends PVP. Now, Legends PVP are Shadowlands 1 vs 1, The Batcave 2 vs 2, etc. Did I miss something in the GU 32 notes? Also, it seems like the legends for last week are the Arena PVPs for this week. Idk, I've either been living under a rock or whatever. LOL
  2. MercPony Devoted Player

    Its the map rotation. Been doing that for a long while lol
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  3. Claytoun New Player

    It's just called "map rotation", lol
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  4. BusterUno New Player

    Dude, sweet. As you can tell, I've been gone for a long time. hahaha went from like DLC 3 to DLC 8 break. Thanks man!