Villain looking 4 league USPS3

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by eric, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. eric New Player

    The name is QFlux, Hes a quantum controller(as you may have guessed by the name). I currently have no gear for this toon because i am sick of pugging. Its tedious and takes way to long. I've done this with my hero and its irritating. I dont have a mic atm, reason being im not or ever was in any leagues and i have no need for it... yet. Ive been playing since the game came out so i pretty much know how everything works.
  2. CJHouston New Player

    Well bud you can check out we have a team set up and we are leveling up everyday. We have forums and play daily. Feel free to ask me anything and I will respond ASAP.
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  3. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    Can check out Kokonut Pie. We are in need of controllers at the moment. You can find our recruitment thread on the forum or can just message me for information either here or in game. We help with duos, alerts, and raids of all tiers.