Vendor prices

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by coldchilln88, Apr 19, 2021.

  1. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Is no one going to talk about how expensive the generator mod plans are. In general with all the things needed to be bought the prices seem pretty exorbitant. Am i wrong? Please tell me im wrong
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  2. Skybreen7 Level 30

    All I will say is I'm glad they were account bound and not character bound.
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Didnt notice that. Guess that helps a little. Still seems high. Wish the plans dropped in actual content as well to be tradebale instead of having to solely rely on spending precious marks.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Because the generator system is a convoluted over complicated absolute mess, I gave feedback at the time but it was radio silence, so I guess they wanted to try it out.

    The whole thing is silly though, horribly and ridiculously over priced and far more complicated than is necessary.

    It simply needs to be

    Blue plan - put in any blue, spit out any blue

    Yellow plan - put in any yellow, spit out any yellow

    Red plan - you get the idea...

    What they have is a mess because it's trying way too hard to individualize each type of input to the extent of insanity where it causes nothing but player confusion and unnecessary expenditure of marks.

    At this point I can't help but feel it's a mechanic they're simply using to keep people playing when the content is old.
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  5. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Ok so its not just me.
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  6. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Yup. We're going back down the route of "gather this, get plans, make this". Except plans and components used to drop regularly.

    40.(1? 0?) mods seem to drop regularly, so I'll just go with those (since the boost is absolutely minimal) and get the feats later.
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  7. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    There is just no consistency from dlc to dlc. If i was a new player id be so confused as i went thru the tiers and dlcs. Every dlc changes how op items are done. Gen mods are done. Gear is done. They really need to make everything uniform. It wont happen. But man. Its bad.
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  8. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    ..At least the crafted boxes are account bound too so the mods can be crafted and shared between alts. :oops:
  9. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    When one of my Leaguemates told me this I thought he was April Fooling me way late. But yeah I guess we're back to complicated crafting but now with Mods? I'm not going to bust my butt trying to get em. I'll get em when I get em or like most times just skip to next episode. Really don't care about the stats boost and feats vs the time and marks cost at this point.
  10. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Funny, but I'm slowly starting to miss the bounties. At least then we were getting marks without having to reset at all.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I also, personally haven't seen a single .3 drop, so you're going to have to craft those before you can even craft .4's.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Nah it's definitely not just you, haha
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  13. Great Architect Loyal Player

    At best I'd say that they are trying to find out what works. This really is the time to ask the community, and not just throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks?
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  14. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I was quite happy with the old R&D to craft mods - until it became not just farm exos, but farm Focussing and Simples and Complexes, and then sacrificing Gear at the Altar of the Lord R&D to get Essences. And only episode-specific Essences too.
  15. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I hated the way generator mods are now the min i saw the plans on the test server. I would rather go back to grinding bounties for them than this and i hated grinding bounties.
  16. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Expensive is an understatement. Forcing 40.0 drops into 40.1 mod boxes only then to open them to force them into 40.2 mod boxes only then to open them to force them into 40.3 mod boxes only then to open them into 40.4 mod boxes that we then have to open and place into the generator. Did I miss anything in that sentence? I suppose 40.1 mods drop as well so there's that too. Besides needing to buy i'd say most of the plans to get them to 40.4.

    You could buy all the 40.1 stuff as the 40.0 mods drop the most
    then buy all the 40.2 stuff as a few 40.1 mods drop as well
    then only buy what you need to convert 40.2 to 40.3
    then do same with 40.4 as by this point it's force feeding it down a pointless line

    It's nice that they are account bound plans, but with everything expensive, what does it matter anyway? Generator mods are a joke and should've been a Home Turf 2 mod bundle to upgrade basic game functions like: longer pickup timer, weapon double tap for precision (zombie spinoff version), less damage split, better uplink upgrades, etc. But no, more stats to add to the game and more stuff to clog the inventory.

    That's my rant for one piece of the vendor much for the standard prices other dlc's have.
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  17. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Have you compared the actual increase that they give, as well? It's ~ less than an extra SP (if you have that stat not yet maxed).

    It's particularly ridiculous since the next DLC drops will overwrite them.
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  18. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I haven't looked at what the 40.4 mods give. Gonna be awhile while I feed my RnD machine and wait for something useful to come out the other end...
  19. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    All the prices are high compared to the amount of coins you get. Legion had high prices too, higher than WV and that trend seems to be continuing. Makes playing it tedious.
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  20. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    How about the fact that the duo only drops a single mark? High prices with low income. Sounds more like minimum wage living in an expensive city.