USPC Server Question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Super_National, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Super_National Well-Known Player

    So, I've been away from DCUO for roughly 2 years. Been thinking about coming back, but I'm a PC gamer, not a Playstation/console gamer. Before I go through the whole reinstallation bit, how's the PC population?
  2. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    depends on faction. Villain side is quite low but you see a lot of the same faces hanging out day after day.
  3. Backseid Devoted Player

    They are merging PC and Playstation servers at some point. So it won't really matter ;)
  4. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Hero side isn't bad you can usually find a team quickly.. even at odd hours. I am retired military so I can be on during the day and find teams and even late night/very early morning and there is rarely a long wait. I think a lot of the EUPC players may be here now because I know they had population issues a while back... which helps

    Villain side has always been low but with Cross Faction available now its a lot easier to join teams .. you just have to be willing to put up with Amanda Waller and a few heroes on your team LOL
  5. Super_National Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the replies. I would have checked the post sooner, but holiday stuff with the wife consumed me.

    Good to hear that the cross-platform merge is finally going to happen. Looking forward to coming back to the game.

    Now, to find a guild . . . .
  6. Zlohsac Committed Player

  7. Super_National Well-Known Player

    If you're being serious, care to elaborate?
  8. Zlohsac Committed Player

    I'm not. But the way the game currently is, it's not the best time to come back. I would wait until all the changes they're making are done. Playing now might give you a bad impression of the game.
  9. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    hero populations are fine. Villain has problems for various reasons.

    Also: Crossplay is coming soon, then PC will play together with PS!
  10. Super_National Well-Known Player

    I went to install it. It wanted to install a microsoft .Net platform. Okay, fine. But then it started installing Bing toolbars along with it. That pissed me off enough that I've currently suspended installing it. I mean, what the ***** was that about?
  11. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Not sure, I'm on PC and do not recall it wanting to install Bing toolbars. However, I installed over a year ago, so it could be something new.
  12. Super_National Well-Known Player

    Yeah, the last time I installed the game it never did that, though wanting to install .Net if I didn't have it on the computer anymore at that point was normal. I'm wondering if that isn't purely a Microsoft piece of BS with the .Net reinstall.
  13. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Are you using Windows 10? When I installed the game I was on 8 or 8.1 and it didn't do that. I'm now on 10, but only changed my OS, I haven't uninstalled or reinstalled the game or anything, so I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking that maybe it's something with 10 now if that is your OS. Or, it could be something with one of the older OS too. MS is always putting in crap that people don't want that they try to shove down our throats. Wish I could help you more with an option to opt out of the toolbar or something, maybe someone else here knows more about it though. Good luck.
  14. Super_National Well-Known Player

    Nope, haven't upgraded yet. Wanted to wait a couple of months post launch to make sure it was worth it. Plan to upgrade soon.

    But I found it as I tested installing it again. It was a Microsoft thing. A tiny little check box in a screen of text to install Bling. Unchecked and now installing as I used to, with no extra MS crap. :)
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  15. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    Cool. Glad to hear that it was an easy fix.:)
  16. Super_National Well-Known Player

    And thanks for trying to help.

    I'm actually seeing far less toxicity on these forums than other MMO forums I've been checking out. That's nice to see.
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