US Xbox Server Downtime - May 5, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 5, 2016.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The US Xbox server will be taken offline for scheduled maintenance and an upgrade at 4:00PM PT. Downtime should last about one hour. This downtime will add server capacity and improve stability.

    Our top priority remains increasing our server capacity and shortening those login queue times, so that everyone can play.

    Update: All worlds are now online.
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  2. fangtrap New Player

    How many more updates do you think it will take to finish with queues
  3. Violentsquirt New Player

    Cool beans.... but your timing sucks
  4. DezDarkly Active Player

    Keep up the good work and see you in a half hour.
  5. Neurohazard New Player

    How much longer is this going to be down?
  6. Violentsquirt New Player

    200 million years
  7. SlyBilly New Player

    As long as it takes meeps will tell us about any delays man.
  8. Violentsquirt New Player

  9. YaBoyFox New Player

    its over already
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    All worlds are now online.
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