US Xbox Server Downtime - May 4, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 4, 2016.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The US Xbox server is offline unexpectedly. We are restarting the world and expect to have it back online in about an hour. Updates will be posted to this thread, and we apologize for the delay.

    Update: All worlds are now online.
  2. XenonSnow Level 30

    Woot Another Downtime!!!

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  3. Techno Bomber New Player

    You guys seriously need to implement an in-game announcement system preferably an hour before hand. Thank you.
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  4. Sargothic New Player

    they have an ingame announcement system..for planned downtimes...
  5. Techno Bomber New Player

    I was just on and no it didn't trigger for me.
  6. bighead225 New Player

    Key word in the announcement, UNEXPECTED!
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  7. Sanova New Player

    Was in game at level 10, sever shut down but now I can log in and see my character back at level 6 with old gear on! (Can not play as it says 'world down')

    Will this issue be resolved?
  8. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    They said it went off unexpectedly, which means they had no notice.

    Chances are those this is an offshoot of them needing more hardware which they are supposed to have (if memory serves) by friday and installed in order for the weekend.

    That being said I am sorry about your downtime, just trying to remind you it's not like they have a magic crystal ball that could have warned them about this in order to inform the community.
  9. Techno Bomber New Player

    Lol I'm noticing that I missed that first sentence. I was a little over zealous. My bad
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  10. ZOMB1GORDO New Player

    Ok was wondering why I was getting the log in error. ... so I guess a lot more people are playing than you expected at launch
  11. Shivva New Player

    Great now I have to go socialize with my girlfriend and family it's just awsome how I lost my rank yesterday for no reason and I didn't complain because yea this game is new and cool but servers never work I can't grind when I want to and yea I threw some money at this game and I regret it a little and I'm probably going to threw more money your way just add some servers 50 k for some servers shouldn't be to much to ask for when u make triple that amount in one day may be way way more thanks just throwing it out there
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  12. rickyhalo2222 New Player

    Taunting us with the Queues, Saying the servers are down almost everyday. its like you dont want us to play it on the console and just want us to play on another console we dont have! Jeez. Not the way to start Daybreak. No good at all.
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  13. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

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  14. rickyhalo2222 New Player

    If you want to play the game Play it on Pc. Dont riot about it for now. At least calm yourselves and go on that or ps4 or 3. Its not like its the end of the world.
  15. Sanova New Player

    There aren't a lot of people complaining in this thread. Especially compared to the amount who can't play the game. Some of us have legitimate questions about the restoration of the server. Now the thread is getting mucked up with opinions and non helpful posts.
  16. rickyhalo2222 New Player

    Just wait for a bit
  17. rickyhalo2222 New Player

  18. rickyhalo2222 New Player

    True. True. Its my second time on DCUO. I played it and did not like it, i wanted to give it another shot and installed it today.
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Update: The US world will be taken offline for maintenance at 7:15PM PT. Downtime will last about one hour.
  20. Generalleefaded New Player

    so , after downtime today i cant login it keeps saying data error sign back in........
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