Downtime US PC Server Downtime - March 25, 2015

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. fRuiTy New Player

    Some replays would be the best course of action. I know several people who are going to miss lockouts due to this downtime with the weekly reset happening early tom. That would make up for the time missed.
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  2. Original_Walker New Player

    The first lantern (aka Volthoom
    (With ganthet)
  3. Galil ACE Well-Known Player

    Volthoom, I remember him from the red lantern new 52 comic.

    Poor atrocitus.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I Demand a Batman Cowl and a 50pt Feat "Survived GameUpdate 46"
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  5. Knaters New Player


    BlackSuperGirl.... Have seen you on the server, even done some Raids with you... Fun seeing some other names here on the Forums that I recognise from in game... Just hope the server comes back on quickly... :)
  6. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Time to get more hammies
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  7. Abodar New Player

    The amount of butt-hurt going on in the forums right now might be the highlight of my day. That being said, thanks to the devs and programmers staying late to get this working.
  8. Amazen New Player

    Masks xD
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  9. LilFocker New Player

    xD i want one too
  10. Meta Care Level 30

    Giving m time to watch The Flash
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  11. LightScyth New Player

    When will the servers be back up?
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  12. Dr. Machflame Active Player

    Agreed, we lose 50 cents for each day that the game is down for as long as it was today. To ask for another day, to replace that, that is not too much to ask for. Just to have replaced what we lost due to this reason or that. I mean, say that you have a salary of $50,000 a year, and you earn a biweekly check, but the bank ATM glitched out and only deposited half of that $480.76 in the bank, showing that only $240.38 was actually deposited. Would you not call your bank and tell them that you deposited your paycheck, and only half of it showed up in your account, and that you would like that corrected? You EARNED that money, but a glitch in the bank system took half of it. I would in fact call up my bank or whoever I have my card through and ask that they correct the issue. This is no different. We paid $15 a month for a month of a subscription to this game, the only problem is that we could not get into said game and reap the benefits for a whole day. The right thing to do is to get some sort of compensation for our lost playtime, that we paid money for. The most logical thing-and something that I understand was done in the past-is to simply tack on an extra day, essentially replacing what we lost, being we paid them money for it. There is a saying in Customer Service, where I have worked for a year. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.

    Sorry for all that, but I had to interject my reasoning, and agreement to what was stated.
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  13. Original_Walker New Player

  14. Zephyrzaivian Active Player

    It's not just for one game. All Access is for all of the (formerly) SOE games. You're just choosing to play this one only.
  15. Godzilla313 Level 30

    Give me time to watch Rugby.
  16. LightScyth New Player

    When will servers be back up?
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  17. Lizardrus New Player

    Lantern Hype!
  18. Space Defender New Player

    The new hard drives must be getting all the recommended windows updates...
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  19. LightScyth New Player

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  20. Meta Care Level 30

    I can't speak for anyone else but I bought just for DCUO and have no interest in the other SOE games. I'm not complaining about the down time either though
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