TOM-Bot for Legendary members

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ElderX, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. ElderX New Player

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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Hmm, I guess that was what Jens was recording a while back. Can't wait to see it!

    EDIT: Sounds a lot like Servo, FWIW.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

  4. Poo New Player

  5. Vexedbit Well-Known Player

    Nice surprise early XMAS present. Thanks Devs!
  6. Tweek New Player

    they just replaced the servo bot they gave than took away
  7. xpoipoix Well-Known Player

    thx for the Bot cant u give the free member ship to those who are already subscribed to it would be just fair !!!!!!
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  8. Autopsyrotica Well-Known Player

    this is a darn slap in the face to those of us who recently subscribed as Legendary Members, what a joke!
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  9. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I guess that's what Jens was talking about when he said Servo was about to get served :3
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  10. Tweek New Player

    Is that like rewrapping last years present after you stole it back ?? lol
  11. TheLoneLantern New Player

    "Beep Boop Beep... Ah, forget that Servo crap!" ahahahaha
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  12. Couzintony New Player

    Has anyone got theirs yet?... I just got on it is noy there....
  13. Daddio New Player

  14. Stark Cold New Player

    Yay! TOM-Bot! :-D
  15. Mick Nugget New Player

    This is the (close enough to!) legendary perk I always wanted :) Thanks for listening (again) devs.
  16. Couzintony New Player

    I can't get mine!... Wtf... I've been subbin for a long long time n it's not in the redeem section... :(
  17. tukuan Devoted Player

    Jens as TO is always amusing so looking forward to checking it out later today.

    As for the free month for existing legendaries try not to be too peeved. This is pretty much standard practice with all businesses from telecom to banks. Everytime my phone/internet company offers a new tablet or something for new accounts I'm always wondering "where's mine" but the goal is to bring in new sign-ups and it's just not practical in this case to essentially wipe all membership revenue out for a month.

    What I'd really like to start seeing is a pattern of retention perks. For example for the anniversary everyone who's a legendary gets something cool but if you were subbed for at least 6 months prior to the anniversary you get something even cooler. Even better if you've been subbed since launch you get something that's the bee's knees.
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  18. Tweek New Player

    Next year they'll secretly remove tobot (like they did servobot) and give us a booster gold bot.
  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    Striking similarity.
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  20. Decree New Player

    The stupid thing can't even be used in pvp. Useless garbage.
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