This earth thing is a little bit out of control

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MensSana, Sep 11, 2017.

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  1. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Just need to remove the penalty for healers and be done. By your logic dps shouldn't be able to regen power or carry healing or shield powers.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Well I'm not sure if elite requires pure roles yet, haven't had the balls to try battle spec in it, but I think that's the consensus of mostly everyone that battle roles, they have enough common sense to know where and where not to do it. So as you said, it's not really a big of deal as people are making it out to be.

    Plus I fail to see how higher damage hurts, just means a faster tun lol.
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  3. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

  4. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Despite what changes they make we will still make you below par dps look bad.
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  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Amen, brotha! lol
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    In mother Russia supply drop heals YOU!
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  7. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Its only a problem for DPS who want to be the only role in game.

    The tank amassed an astonishing 21% of the damage in that run. Pretty impressive.

    For the record, I ran an alert last night as battle troll, I racked up 37% of the total damage output in the run, makes those tank numbers not look so impressive when a troll puts up 16% more damage...

    In fact I ran both the T8 alerts, as battle troll, in one of them I did 95% of the top DPS's damage.

    The second, I didn't fair quite as well, I only did 87% of the top DPS's damage.

    Of note: Although I didn't realize it at the time, for both these alert runs, my white mods were expired.

    I also performed the "trolls" responsibility of hitting the switches, pickups, recharging, debuffs... all which can contribute to less damage out, tanks typically don't perform these duties.
  8. StillDeathern Dedicated Player


    Isn't there enough of those in game already?

    For years, suppoort roles have been limited in content available to them, based on the desire of the community to have fast runs... heck the role less buff completely eliminates the need for us in alerts.

    For years, DPS have stacked in groups, and the groups have removed as many support roles as possible, all in the name of speed.

    Now the DEVs have finally made it where we can do decent damage, and the DPS are crying because... occasionally they get beat on the scoreboard.

    I can do nothing but laugh at the hypocrisy of this. Aren't the runs fast enough? Do we have to have a DPS icon next to our toons name to be accepted in game?
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  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    which is totally understandable , imagine dps being able to heal group better than healers or giving power to group and CC adds better than trollers or mitigate way more damage than a tank can do ...

    at this point there is no reason at all to go with dps in a SM besides maybe nature dps.
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  10. hoaxone Committed Player

    We,as in only tanks,can put out that much dmg.dont include the other roles in that b.s.thats the problem alot of people have.its was ridiculous how they buffed one role and shitted on the other 2.
  11. spack2k Steadfast Player

    no its common sense , the higher ur survivability the less ur damage output should be unless u dont aim for role balance.

    Thats how it should be:

    Tank 25% dmg / 75% survivability
    Heal 35% dmg / 65% survivability
    Troll 50% dmg / 50% survivability
    DD 75% dmg / 25% survivability
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  12. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I put out great numbers battle trolling the alerts. It may not be viable in a raid primarily due to the increased group size and only having one troll, but in the T8 alerts last night I was at 95% of the top DPS in terms of damage out. The second alert, I was at 87%.

    This without my white mods. They were expired. I also performed the trolls responsibilities, such as pick ups, switches, etc. these are not typically performed by a tank.
  13. hoaxone Committed Player

    Alerts....really......u replied about alerts.......alerts....u said alerts......
  14. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Using that math, it would take forever and a day for a tank, troll, or heal to do anything in the game such as an alert, solo, duo, daily, etc.

    "JUST DPS" you will say, I am sure, why should I have to? Support role players have been getting the shaft for years. Kicked from raid groups because there already have one in group. The role less buff completely eliminates the need for us in alerts. DPS stacking, all in the name of speed has been the rage for years...with support roles ALWAYS getting shafted in the process.

    There will never be role balance, when you purposely eliminate roles from being able to complete content.
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  15. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Are alerts not part of the game?
  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    not really , if the game can adjust npc health based on the roles in a group, for open world it would take longer but its ur own choice for not playing both roles of ur character.
  17. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Adjust the game so it can be done? Open world, just DPS... LMAO. Yea ok... What about alt toons, are we supposed to have to get both sets of gear for them as well?
  18. spack2k Steadfast Player

    so it can be done in same periode of time, thats a difference.

    for open world its ur choice how fast u want to accomplish stuff no1 is there to point fingers at you, u dont need even gear for open world stuff since u get buffed lately.
  19. hoaxone Committed Player

    So are duos.
  20. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Or they could just leave battle support roles alone and I can play that way... ;)
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