Thinking About A Malediction Celestial Healing Build.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Lucidex, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. Lucidex Active Player

    now I know this ability sucks, but I wanted to make it work.

    The idea of the build is as follows:
    activate Malediction full combo, then spam Haunt and smite, since they're the fastest combos in this power, on paper it would seem you would deal constant damage and heal at the same time.

    but the result vary mostly mediocre, first of all, I was in full dps gear, thinking the more damage I make the more I heal.
    also I didn't invest in crit healing since this ability never ever causes attack to critically heal.
    I put all in might and restoration, 100 in might and 100 in resto.
    my build was Malediction, clipped with benediction for self heal, haunt, smite then the shield and the vulnerable healing ability.
    the problem is, do I need resto heal gear to make this work? do I combine both? how about augments?

    my artifacts were trans strat and ebon, thinking yet again that the buff would last through that
  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Battle healing, like battle tanking, is really only if your group doesn't need you all that much but needs a little something of your role.

    Even though at Celestial's debut it was billed as a powerset for battle healing, it really relies on Malediction c Benediction to do that.
    Problem is, that only provides a heal over time. I can't recall the duration, but I think someone tested it at something like 6 of the 11 second cooldown. So, you have to complete a combo, do damage, which is reduced by your healer stance, for a heal over time ... which is only a small portion of the damage dealt, and capped based on your stats, and has a gap of time.

    So the real question is, how do you battle heal nowadays?

    The best way is to just be a healer, and put your secondary spec into precision/weapon masteries.
    Take your least used heal power off your loadout and put in your weapon buff (Anoint).
    Clarion is a must since it fulfills both healer stuff and precision stuff
    Demon's Fang is made for battle healing; its damage scales off resto, and it grants resto/prec stats.
    Transformation Card, you're probably already using since it is nth metal efficient to level up one art for two roles

    Use your weapon while you heal, bam, you're a battle healer now. You'll get more out of Anoint with this, than McB, and can focus on healing. But if you have two slots, go for both.

    My Celestial heal, I essentially look at it as four group heals:
    Divine light (burst group, followed by HoT)
    Guardian's Light (empowered channeling mod, sustained group heal)
    AcB (burst 3+me, followed by group heal, aura and HoT)
    Consume Soul clipped with Blessing (HoT + Shield incoming damage I see as a group heal)

    That's five powers. So, if I were to battle heal, I'd give up my priority heal. Unless it's the tank, I assume that one person taking more damage than the rest is doing something dumb I shouldn't be blowing my load trying to heal anyway. I rarely hit that button. But, I don't battle heal and my priority heal stays on.
  3. Lucidex Active Player

    Well I figured out that you're right, you sadly can't might battle heal anymore.
    I Decided to keep it with me in my dps role, the results are better actually, I'm not out healing the healer but I am healing my self from dots and last second ticks, it's a lot better than running a shield to protect your dps

    although, if you ever notice my posting pattern, I am currently trying to level up Larnea at a comfortable level where I can use it with Ebon, I wonder if the heal can help. I know shields do, they're a major clutch and have saved me countless times from my self damage before I destroyed it.
  4. Lucidex Active Player

    I am trying to figure out also, If any of the conditional effects of some celestial abilities still work or can be made to work.
    for example the shield combo from Death mark hits really hard, but you need to get to melee range.

    Right now, I am wondering if the constant heal from malediction that heals me through Larnea's damage can trigger Curse's conditional effect.
    for the full combo, the target will take damage if it attacks, and when I get healed.

    this is the kind of stupid stuff I am interested with tbh, the small status effects and mechanics, I wish the devs could've put more thought into them
  5. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    There was a lot of thought that went into Celestial when it came out. For instance, at the time, you couldn't have the whole powerset tree at one time, you'd have to respec, so Celestial also was built with the "you get two for the price of one" You'll also notice that the combos are the same forward and backward, as are the animations, and even the colors either go from yellow to purple or purple to yellow, and are the inverse of each other. Unlike other combo powersets, timing matters, and you can't just tap your combo at any point, making it more deliberate and difficult to hit some combos. I could go on.

    As far as a self-heal in dps stance, you're way way way better off clipping your ability with Benediction uncombo'd than using McB.

    As far as BcDM in healer stance, if I am not continuing to heal after I shield, why not. I don't know what you mean about melee range, I get a big tick and dot on my target. Supposedly other people in melee range (ie:tank) will have a tick when the shield ends, but I keep forgetting to watch for it.

    My DPS loadout is still a WIP:
    DL, PcDL, CS, Benediction, Defile

    DL - big tick with dot
    PcDL - dot with big tick at end
    CS - just an extra dot that is always available when needed
    Benediction - clip and everything after it is sustain
    Defile - 35% finisher (suppose I should use La Mort, but there isn't enough nth for every art I want on every toon)

    I used to use AcB in hallways and between cd's (especially when being knocked out of PcDL), but I've been having better luck with RcW clipped with itself until the others are ready, particularly since it can be used at full range during bossfights. AcB is still nice for open world dailies, esp because of the knockback.
  6. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    You still can might battle heal, just without Malediction and Benediction as those have been nerfed to the ground. An efficient way is with EOG.

    My build is healer role with DPS gear with might augments (you can use healer gear and/or resto augments for better healing)

    Spec damage and healing crits, max might, remaining in resto. (or 100-100 each, rest in might if you lack the SP)

    Artifacts EOG, Quislet, Transformation Card (swap for Scrap when popping super if you're into that)

    For allies Black Adam's SC generator passive will help.

    Loadout: Plague (combo for burst heal/damage at end), Consume Soul (combo), Virtuous Light, Sacred Light, Blessing, Cursed Idol (5k super that also heals and will pop frequently due to Quislet and Black Adam)

    You could also experiment with Admonish and Death Mark.
  7. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    There is a very viable method to battle heal with celestial. It's pretty simple really, and does amazing damage: IF you have skill points.

    Trans, Quizlet, grim.
    Full dps spec, might, criticals, superpowered. Full critical heals, 100 resto, 100 dominance.

    Death mark into cursed blessing. Lunge into the adds so when the shield bursts, it hits the enemies for a lot of damage.
    By now, grim has applied PI. Consume soul combo, clip with retribution combo (since you should be jumping towards the next set of adds).
    Keep blessing and priority heal on your bar, just in case, with RSK. You'll demolish, not need to heal much (shield up frequently from cursed blessing), and have pets doing dps for you too.
  8. sirAlann New Player

    I went a long time ago, I don't remember almost anything lol