There Are A Lot Of Things I Want For Water Animations That Won't Happen Anyway.

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Lucidex, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. Lucidex Active Player

    Water has one of the poorest animation in the game, being the last power, it's definitely a reminder for how terrible the quality has become in this game, and it's only been 6 years since it came out.

    that being said, I wish we've gotten different animations, colors for water.

    Tsunami strike: absolutely the worst power animation in the entire game, you just wave your hand a couple of times and they take damage, no tsunamis in site, how could they even let that pass testing? it's garbage.

    Waterspouts abysmal range: Water spouts only like works at like 2 meters away from your target, despite dealing 1 tick of damage, with no explanation why it works that way.

    Deadwater: lastly, I really Wish the devs would give powers textures, in Water's case, dead water from the Drowned...It would at least make it close to a shadow power
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sorry what? Water has some of the best animations in the game. I get it, personal preference. But objectively speaking they out a lot of effort into how these animations look and feel.
  3. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    Okay, but to be fair about the last suggestion about power textures... They totally gave Wonder Girl Electricity attacks but with different colors. I'm just saying... it's doable. I have money, devs. Let me spend money on this.
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  4. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    I feel that the animations for water, especially the ones OP mentions to be pretty cool. As far as water spots range goes, it would be nice if it had a further reach.

    Sorry you dislike them.
  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I was pretty bummed out with water. There’s so many things I want to say but given how I express my opinions, it’s best not to. It needs an overhaul in animation and its powers. Don’t worry guys y’all prefer to get “new content” like DLCs but keep saying there’s too much time taken away from updating powers and so on so the six months for another dlc LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!