The Official "I'm looking for a league" thread.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by PerfectLegend, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Havingfun New Player

    *In-game name. MYREDH00D NEW52
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 22/18
    *Power. Munitions
    *Role. Damage
    *Do you have a mic? No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 34
    *About yourself: I’m easy going and a team player. Been playing DCUO actively for few months. I play whenever I have some down time (At least a few hours a week). I like to play PVE and not huge fan of PVP. I'm a huge batman and Green Lantern fan.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I am looking for a league that is friendly and I can learn from. The main reason I’m looking for a league is to play with some experienced players who can teach me what to do to make my toon better. When I complete the main story I would love some friends to do some raids with. If the league has Batman theme name that would be a bonus.
  2. bFaLLeN23 New Player

    *In-game name: Phantomex
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Villain
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points: 47/20 ( Just got back into the game recently )
    *Power: Lightning
    *Role: Heals ( Attempting it, but may go DPS )
    *Do you have a mic?: Yes ( Mumble, TS3 and Skype )
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary Player
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements): 25+
    *About yourself: Mature, seasoned MMO gamer, active, love DC/Marvel/Independent comics
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I'm looking for a progressive league with active members on each and every day. I have a few others following me that need an active league as well and we're mostly interested in PvE content but 1 likes to do PvP as well and I'm also interested in possible RP. BUT mostly PvE.
  3. Akumakazama Level 30

    *In-game name. Mindy Mack
    *Faction - Hero
    *Server (USPS)
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR75 SP58
    *Power. Gadgets
    *Role. DPS
    *Do you have a mic? - Yes
    *Age. (40).
    *About yourself. - I used to play when DCUO first launched. League died. Not so fun playing solo. Returning and playing catch up with challenges and daily missions.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - Guys who are social and willing to do things together but aren't forced.
  4. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    *In-game name.
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.
    62 // 77
    *Do you have a mic?
    I do but I prefer leagues that just type ... I don't wanna talk and I don't wanna hear others talking.
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play.
    Premium. All the DLCs to the latest episode. (21)
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).
    21 years old
    *About yourself.
    Just some dude trying to play a game while having fun with other dudes and ladies.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?
    Just a league where we can all talk freely about ANY subject. ANY.
    Active and very sociable.
  5. K1ll3rBunny New Player

    *In-game name.
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.
    *Do you have a mic?
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play.
    Premium, Interested in becoming legendary soon.
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).
    *About yourself.
    I used to play on PS3 when it first released. I played for roughly 2 years or so, and was roughly 92cr (I forget exactly how many skill points... i'd say at least like 70-80 at minimum), I played the same power/role. I stopped played shortly after they added the t4 raids raid, highest cr at the time was like 98. I play games a lot. I try to be good at them as well. I am a down to earth guy that will talk about whatever.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?
    Obviously, a league that is social, friendly, etc. Although, I am looking for a league that forms groups together for alerts/raids/etc and that will correctly play their role. I guess you could say "experienced" but I personally don't care if they know everything about the game or nothing, as long as they are doing their role correctly or at least are willing to learn.
  6. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    *In-game name. Say Ten
    *Faction - Villain
    *Server (USPS)
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR155 SP130-235 (depending on how many i feel like buying)
    *Power. Gadgets
    *Role. DPS / Troll
    *Do you have a mic? - Yes
    *Age. (27).

    *About yourself. - I have been Playing DCUO since early 2012. I Currently have 7 toons above 154cr (most hero's). I have played everyrole and everypower in top tier content profieciently. I have a villain that I would like to put in a good active league to run weekly raids and daily alerts with. My DPS side I am currently getting ~27K single target DPS (without Trinkets or Soda) I can and have solo trolled all content on this toon as well.

    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - I'm looking for a chill league that can kick A$$ and have fun doing it. Age 18+ ( as I tend to have a dirty mind) and motivated to do some T7 Raids. I am willing to help out and share my knowledge of powers, roles and raid mechanics.
  7. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    In-game name. Freddy krueger
    *Faction - Villain
    *Server (USPS)
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. CR109 Sp: 0ver 200 (just made the toon yesterday and ran out of rbs to buy all my feats. Will be in 200's when I get them)
    *Power. Sorcery
    *Role. DPS / Heal
    *Do you have a mic? - Yes
    *Age. 33
  8. KS_D4RK03 New Player

    I'm new to the game and I would like to know how to join a league
  9. The Forest Shadow Well-Known Player

    Hero or Villain?
  10. Tacca Well-Known Player

    In-game name. Cress
    *Faction hero
    *Server eU
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. 149/144
    *Power. Earth
    *Role. DPs
    *Do you have a mic? yes
    *Age. 28
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? Raid support and feat hunting
  11. KS_D4RK03 New Player

  12. KS_D4RK03 New Player

    *In-game name. - PYRON4
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). - Hero
    *Server (USPS/EUPS-USPC/EUPC) - (I think...) USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. - 17/12
    *Power. - Fire
    *Role. - Tank, Damage
    *Do you have a mic? - No
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. - Free
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). - 15
    *About yourself. - I don't know how to describe myself really. Different people, different opinions? >.<
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? - To have fun playing DCUO with others... Was there supposed to be any other reason?
  13. Aris New Player

    Name: KiraxYamato
    *Faction: Hero
    *Server: USPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points PvP:93 PvE:145 Skill points: 127
    *Power: Sorcery
    *Role: Healer
    *Do you have a mic: Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play: Legendary
    *About yourself: humble and trying to have fun.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? People, and looking a to have fun.
  14. DCUO Thuo Level 30

    *In-game name: Thuo
    *Faction (Hero/Villain): Hero
    *Server USPCPS
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. Pve: 109 Pvp: 86
    *Power : Sorcery
    *Role Dps/Healer
    *Do you have a mic? Yes
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary
    *Age. 18
    I am an active player looking for those other active players because i always see people call in their league mates when they need help and i kinda wish i had those resources and wish that i could be that resource for people. My goal is to be the best player, or at least in the top few. I strive for greatness :)
    I just want other active players who wouldnt mind exchanging advice but i would prefer any league i join to have a good foundation ajnd i have 200 prestige for whoever gets me :)
  15. Badname392023 Well-Known Player

    *In-game name. prettyboiswagg (mai toon & Tank) xxxp0rnstarxx (Alt toon & Healer)
    *Faction (Hero/Villain). - Hero
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points. C/R 153 / 126 SP
    *Power. ICE tank 153 / Nature Healer 139
    *Role. TANK / Healer
    *Do you have a mic? YES
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play. Legendary & Free to play
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements). 21
    *About yourself. I have alot of time on my hands / respectful person / No anger issues etc etc.. can be on the quiet side at times/ laid back
    *What are you looking for in a league and why? I am Looking for an active feat hunting league who look to improve skill points (Mid tier content and above)
    • Like x 1
  16. Morkid New Player

    *In-game name.
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.
    CR 46, SP 43 (It's a new Main)
    *Do you have a mic?
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play.
    Legendary atm.
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).
    *About yourself.
    Just a simple guy with too much free time on my hands, I guess... I should probably also mention that I'm a long-time SWTOR player, where I'm and officer and one of the main tanks in my guild, so I have a pretty good general understanding of MMOs and how raids work.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?
    First and foremost, I'm looking for people I can enjoy the game with. People who play to have fun, who don't take it too seriously. Secondly, I'm looking for people to do raids and alerts with (I've had some bad experiences with pug groups, as I'm sure we all have...). And thirdly, I'm looking for veteran players whom I can ask for advice, because this game does not explain its systems very well.
  17. Morkid New Player

  18. XxReCkLleSsxX Well-Known Player

    In-game name.
    *Faction (Hero/Villain).
    *Combat Rating/Skill Points.
    CR 159 SP 165
    Dps or troll geared for both
    *Do you have a mic?
    *Legendary/Premium/Free to play.
    *Age. (For those leagues with age requirements).
    *About yourself.
    Been playing this game on and off since beta.. Been mental since then but have tried a few other powers. Play this game pretty well.. I work a lot in my resteraunt A LOT , but I play DC late night some week days sometimes early morning and a bit on the weekends. I really loved the league I'm in at one point however it's been inactive for quite a while now.
    *What are you looking for in a league and why?

    Just looking for a league that is active .. plays end game content and PvP .. feat hunts together and helps each other stay at the top. Not sure what else to write here just send me a PM if your league would like to invite me , make sure to include the league name and a couple things about the league , thanks guys.
  19. KitKatMonster00 Level 30

  20. scruumpy New Player

    im a new player looking for a helping league to help me learn the game