The Go Go Gadget Guide to Everything Gadgets

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TheDark, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I ran a few tests on this scenario last week. My observation is that each player gets their own Burning DoT. For example, I had a Fire player set a sparring target on fire while I used 50 Cal as a Munitions player. We each saw a Burning DoT. In another test, I had a Fire player use a power while I used Napalm Grenade. We each saw a Burning DoT.
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  2. generalzod Committed Player

    Man I suck at coming out of stealth ! Lol I'm new to gadgets just switch from quantum and loving it .I think I wanna get your loadout right I like it just need practice ! A video would be great I'm all over the place using stealth lol emp hits then don't hit haha ! A video be great man big time
  3. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    GU 50 Update:
    Stasis Field/Thought Bubble overwriting mostly works now for GU 50. The only case where it doesn't is if you have an encasing controller and a Gadgets/Mental dps. If the enemy is encased, the dps won't see any damage ticks from his/her Stasis Field/Thought Bubble.
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  4. The Game Well-Known Player

    now this is mainly for those who pvp.

    Has anyone noticed gadgets hitting for less now? I get **** numbers now but idk if it's me or what. What loadouts are you guys using?
  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    I was in rush tonight to make the video to show you the coming out of Stealth part. Not the full trinket cycling/sd/etc. The description in the vid tells you how it's suppose to go despite my blooper at 59 seconds. I don't waste time editing videos. It's just a get it once or not at all deal with me & making vids. I'll make another tomorrow if I have time since the rotation is easy. But in the mean time it should give you an idea of how to use the rotation with Stealth. Just do 3xPis into EMP (which is what you don't see at 59 seconds) then Stealth then power from Stealth then EMP when EMP comes off cooldown from your normal tray.

    I'll remove it and put the new one up later in this same post when I make it.

    While the video below isnt from my Point of view, it shows you that you can pull off this rotation in SM. I've done it on every boss except Batwoman because she jumps back and forth between the tanks. Battle Display will go down but you need to have a soder ready or supply drop. A Controller who can power your high power consumption needs temporarily is beneficial. This means a controller who can double tick and cycles trinkets.It takes far more skill to use this than using ice or fire. For Gadgets max legit damage (no "superclip" or sticky bomb exploit), you need to be aware of the range on EMP.

    only thing that might change is having PDart instead of EMP in the 10+ rounds.
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  6. SiiCK1 New Player

    Thanks for the video Dark!
  7. zCaution Well-Known Player

    Why no sticky bomb?
  8. TheDark Devoted Player

    Because it's broken. I've mentioned that several times in the thread.
  9. zCaution Well-Known Player

    I mean how is it broken...I don't understand you're reasoning. Is it bad now? Or op?
  10. TheDark Devoted Player

    The info is on almost every page for the last 3 or 4 pages.

    When testing loadouts and rotations, it's usually a good idea to test each power individually first to see how it works and what numbers are produced. This includes knowing base numbers. Which many players don't know how to do or look for. Go on YouTube and nearly all of them never talk about base numbers, the percentage of damage one power does in a loadouts, etc. All that is important if someone wants to master a powerset. Otherwise, people can get away with just "knowing" a powerset and muscling through content. That doesn't mean they've mastered or greatly understand a powerset or role.

    Sticky bomb splits the total damage range of 3 targets on 3 or more enemies. Not the damage range of 2. 2 is the standard. It is broken. Using it on 3 or more adds or boosting it with WM is a cheap way to get ahead in damage when other powers split the total damage range of 2 except single target damage.

    The current bug with Max Damage is difficult to avoid because it directly affects one of gadgets AM set ups. It occurrs every 30 seconds though. However, using Sticky Bomb in group can be avoided. In regards to single target damage, stasis field beats Sticky Bomb even if SF is restarted in the 3xPI set up. The base numbers tell you that.
  11. generalzod Committed Player

    Thanks had issue logging on forum I'll check your videos out !
    Edit : ok i watch it great and looking at your vid it looks like after coming out of stealth i clip it with distract about 9:00 is the key ! thanks . just had that timing issue
    thanks again
  12. PromethiumLockbox New Player

    Not sure if it has already been already but I'm not going through 200+ pages to find out. Is there any reason why I can't have Stasis Field in the Stealth tray?
  13. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yea but I through the EMP part in red.
  14. TheDark Devoted Player

    Stealth has its own set of powers so there are some powers you just can't use from the Gadget trees in Stealth.
  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    Tunso posted his testing tips here.

    It's very similar to what I do. Except I usually run several versions. One round usually consist of no Home Turf mods at all because they can alter numbers. There's the possibility of a HT mod being bugged. Then I test rotations with what the rest of the DCUO crowd does, and that's with everyone on imaginable. That's because that is what they use to compare everything, and that is the only thing most folks have to enter any kind of conversation about damage comparison even though numerous factors were thrown in.

    He also mentions 8 vs 1 and 3 targets. I mostly use 1 and 8. Few times 3. Obviously because some powers excel in 4+ target scenarios and other powers do better on single. For example, some players use Sticky Bomb on single target enemies even though it's extremely weak compared to something like Stasis Field, or CryoFoam. This is just comparing the PI powers to themselves and the not 80+% bulk of damage from the AM.

    Tunso uses 10 second parses too. I use 1 minute mostly while rarely messing up (you really have to focus and put in time. try not to rush it.) to get a good raid-like scenario timer going at level. 10 minimum 1 min parsers is ok but 20 or much more is better. Tunso does 30 of the 10 second parsers.

    The post Tunso has will be useful to players who play Gadgets and other powersets and don't know how to test because they watch popular YouTube or Twitch players' testing methods. Popularity doesn't qualify someone as a knowledgeable tester. Many times, the individual powers and functions of AMs and powersets as a whole are just completely misunderstood by folks.

    Isolate powers & mechanics first. Then get into the mind of a Dev, and work the rotations and loadouts. Don't compare a mid-range (Tunso clarifies that there is no "mid-range" but instead it is called "melee" and "ranged".) AM to a far range AM, or DoT AM to a PI burst AM and believe their function is suppose to be identical. Even the same type of AM's don't function exactly the same. There are always strengths and weaknesses. Severe weaknesses may be buffed if testing is done using their guide & proved to be weak by their standards only.

    Sometimes accepting their standards is not easy if AM/powerset functions aren't understood.
  16. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    I manage to get a run on one of the new raids. It's quite appealing since I'm not getting enemies that block so using pistols is fun again.

    Since I'm intentionally not using WM because I just want to strictly use pistols and not the pistols to HB or DW, this raid actually fits well.
    For now I'm using GG, FG, Foam, Intim, BA and Sleep Dart. Just doing the 3xPI to sleep dart. At cr 115, I still got a long ways to go.

    For some reason my DCUO is unable to generate logs so I haven't been parsing anything or doing test. Not sure why this is happening.
    You guys experience this problem?
  17. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    There is an ingame parser now if you didn't see that yet. Also they added a settings option to toggle writing the combat.log file so maybe it's turned off in your client.
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  18. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    Thanks! I'll try this when I get the chance. Wow so much changed while I was away
  19. TheFlying Grayson Well-Known Player

    Hey guys
    I'm looking for a way to implement NN in a loadout - is it at all viable?
  20. TheDark Devoted Player

    Not so much for Damage role. It isn't one of the powers that tags in the AM. In controller role it's good. It's a 3 second shield and stuns 3 targets. Works great when you're surrounded by NPCs with no breakout profile or NPCs with long control durations (where they won't break out until 8 seconds later).
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